codeigniter3 topic
A Simple and Secure Twig integration for CodeIgniter 3.x and 4.x
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
A full e-commerce project built with CI3 HMVC with Email confirmation,Paypal payement , Ion Auth , Live Chatroom and full admin dashboard
👨🏻🏫 — Learnify adalah website edukasi yang dilengkapi video, materi dan sistem ujian yang tersedia secara gratis ditujukan agar para siswa dan guru dapat terus belajar dan mengajar dimana saja dan...
CodeIgniter 3 Active Record (ORM) Standard Model with Laravel Eloquent & Yii2 AR like
Tutorial Codeigniter untuk pemula
Manage member user & login System for CodeIgniter. It's very small, secure (with notification to review activity log in, will Sent via Email) and very fast login system, 👍 with bootstrap 3 & Custom T...
Codeigniter 3 complete solution pack with enhanced & modern framework extensions
🕹 — GameINA adalah website gaming yang dilengkapi pembelian game, website-based game dan layanan top-up [coming-soon] yang dibuat untuk developer Indonesia memasarkan game yang mereka buat.