android-mvvm-architecture topic
Android Sample MVVM Architecture App written in Kotlin. (MVVM,Dagger,RXJava,ROOM)
Android Simple Sample MVVM Architecture App written in Kotlin. (retrofit ,ROOM,Livedata,databinding)
Lightweight Open-Source Crypto Monitor 📱📈 Android MVVM/MVI Multimodule Clean Architecture, Unidirectional Data Flow, Kotlin Flows, Room, Retrofit, Coroutines, 100% Jetpack Compose 🚀 Available on Go...
🧠 A quiz app based on MVVM architecture pattern to test your intelligence. Built using Android-Jetpack Compose and Ktor-client to retrieve data from server.
🍔 Foodike is a simple, easy-to-use food delivery app. It is built using Android-Jetpack Compose and is built on the principle of MVVM with Modern Android Architecture Components.
Fabula is a sample News Android Application📱built to demonstrate use of Modern Android tools like Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Koin, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi)
PeopleApp is an application where you see the CRUD with the use of the Room database. You can delete, edit, create, and search for a user's data. The project uses Coroutines, Navigation, MVVM, Jetpack...