android-clean-architecture topic
This project has been created as a playground just to practice a little bit of Kotlin and it's libraries; It has been structured in a multi-module fashion, with semantics guided by Clean Architecture;...
This is a simple example of a Single Activity application. On this project, you will see how to implement a good navigation approach by using Google Navigation Component in a modularized app.
🎞 A demo movie android app showcasing Clean Architecture, written in Kotlin and featuring Jetpack Compose for modern, declarative UIs. (Offline-first App)
Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin. (MVVM, dagger2, RXjava, data binding, Live data,room)
Android Viper template with Kotlin, Dagger 2, Retrofit & RxJava
Showcase of multi-modular Android MVVM architectures (Layered Architecture and Clean Architecture) 🏛 to developing clean, testable and scalable Android Apps 📱. MVVM, LiveData, Retrofit, Coroutines, H...
CoinWatch is an Android cryptocurrency app providing real-time coin prices, price histories, and market data, built using the latest Android architecture components
Android Clean Code Generator - Scaffolding
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularizatio...
An Android App recreating the Simon Says game. Uses MediaPipe to run an LLM on device