podium copied to clipboard
docker container failed to start
get log
podium_1 | podium handles redis backed leaderboards.
podium_1 |
podium_1 | Usage:
podium_1 | podium [command]
podium_1 |
podium_1 | Available Commands:
podium_1 | help Help about any command
podium_1 | smoke performs a smoke test
podium_1 | start starts the podium API server
podium_1 | version returns Podium version
podium_1 | worker starts the podium scores expirer worker
podium_1 |
podium_1 | Flags:
podium_1 | -c, --config string config file (default is ./config/local.yaml (default "./config/local.yaml")
podium_1 | -h, --help help for podium
podium_1 | -v, --verbose int Verbosity level => v0: Error, v1=Warning, v2=Info, v3=Debug
podium_1 |
podium_1 | Use "podium [command] --help" for more information about a command.
podium_1 | subcommand is required
it seem should add podium start in CMD?