^ Doesn't work. I have one last observation regarding the keyboard. Like I said earlier, the indicator lights are unresponsive during the white light. But that's only if you plug...
Resolved [here](
Helloitu, I see you're a PS4 developer, did you ever make any progress on this? We both have the same model/firmware. I'm desperate for a fix.
So if it is indeed the [kernel](, this would be a problem for eeply, right? - Can someone get in contact with him? - Is he aware of the problem?...
Hey, you guys, check out his [announcement]( tweet. It's worded slightly different, with clear instructions. I think c4pt00 was on to something! > Commited a fix for CUH-12XX PS4 models....
I tried c4pt00's links, and still no luck. This time I also tried it with my front room TV (Roku), in addition to my bedroom TV (PlayStation Display). What in...
Here's my klog, using c4pt00's 720p payload. ``` PS4 Linux Loader for 5.05 by valentinbreiz kernel base is:0xffffffffdefc4000 uaddr is:0x00000002003dc000 sys_kexec invoked sys_kexec(0x888a0c020, 5984752, 0x888fcc020, 3093817, "panic=0 clocksource=tsc radeon.dpm=0 console=tty0...
I tried _Rebuild Database_ to no avail. Beware, this should leave your data intact, but you'll have to use [PS4_db_rebuilder]( to restore fpkgs.