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The best file downloader library for Android
i see the issue https://github.com/tonyofrancis/Fetch/issues/526, then my version is api "androidx.tonyodev.fetch2:xfetch2:3.1.6" api "androidx.tonyodev.fetch2okhttp:xfetch2okhttp:3.1.6" ,i still crash with TooManyRequestsException. need you help, thanks
hello I am facing this issue while trying to use latest version failed to resolve: androidx.tonyodev.fetch2:xfetch2:3.2.0
Seen on apps with targetSdk 34 and Android 14 Everything is working fine with targetSdk 33. Since targetSdk 34 is mandatory for new apps and updates in PlayStore starting August...
Failed to resolve: androidx.tonyodev.fetch2:xfetch2:3.2.0
Why does the download process start so late on Android 14 devices?
context.registerReceiver(priorityBackoffResetReceiver, IntentFilter(ACTION_QUEUE_BACKOFF_RESET))
Hey everyone, I sincerely apologize for my long absence. I’ve been reflecting on how incredible it is that Fetch still has such a thriving and dedicated community—it truly means the...
One or more of the URLs used in the sample app are no longer working, so all downloads in the sample app are failing. e.g. http://speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr
**Downloads-** - fetch2.aar : https://mega.nz/file/S9USWBKL#lzr3lwvPOckrz8HKwKRHszZuL01s3d1dvSWEXt2VCV0 - fetch2core.aar : https://mega.nz/file/20sVUJ6A#BQHzW0YQczFUhmbt8a9Q6PQo91k-fdRgBZt43TgY5x8 - fetch2rx.aar : https://mega.nz/file/rhUg2a6B#0gJd77N5uJw050WGqPQ8CKL37mqH49cZEXs6b0L9slQ - fetch2okhttp.aar : https://mega.nz/file/npVUza7a#gFKSGHJmskMBU6csfQGpRNHqFeVnHjcCKc5pSsy0vw4 - fetch2fileserver.aar : https://mega.nz/file/q8M3SZwI#VmaJ1l_z6PDqnO5BKRTTj1NYGXJ5twwCnhzqkmAHFq0 - fetchmigrator.aar : https://mega.nz/file/etMRyYAQ#_61aTXynqGZm6UaY3MUhJSoz8Q2NhXRDOAt1t5iWZws
Can the broadcast be changed to an observer in another way? The system application prohibits sending broadcasts. Sending non-protected broadcast com.tonyodev.fetch2.action.QUEUE_BACKOFF_RESET from system