Tony Morris
Tony Morris
There are commutative applicatives, without a corresponding monad. There are commutative applicatives, with a corresponding monad that does not commute(?). There are commutative monads, and therefore, a corresponding applicative. Given...
I suspect you want `_Left` and `_Right` prisms on a type-class. Similar to `_1` and `_2`, which are already generalised to a type-class. However, I have never seen an encoding...
Hi @Atry I looked at the PRs. Please merge.
Scalaz has `EphemeralStream` as the fix, but if you'd like to add the instances for `LazyList` as a PR, that would be great!
I think go for it. The use of `Stream` is a problem.
I agree, if it can be made to work. It was all the hack jobs that needed deletion, including Task.
I suggest some more library support. Top of my head: def infinite[A](start: A, f: A => A)(implicit F: Cofoldable[F]): F[A] = … Looks good!
`unfoldr` is dual to `foldr`.
I don't know enough to give a useful comment. I know that Travis is problematic enough that it should disappear. If there is a useful option otherwise, do it.
I disagree with both of you, but believe that @edmundnoble has the better position. I think the only reasonable package split is by *degree of compromise with scala*, and since...