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Mixture density network implemented in PyTorch.

Mixture Density Network

Lightweight implementation of a mixture density network [1] in PyTorch.

An MDN models the conditional distribution over a scalar response as a mixture of Gaussians.

p_\theta(y|x) = \sum_{k=1}^K \pi^{(k)} \mathcal{N}(\mu^{(k)}, {\sigma^2}^{(k)}),

where the mixture distribution parameters are output by a neural network, trained to maximize overall log-likelihood. The set of mixture distribution parameters is the following.

\{\pi^{(k)}, \mu^{(k)}, {\sigma^2}^{(k)}\}_{k=1}^K

In order to predict the response as a multivariate Gaussian distribution (for example, in [2]), we assume a fully factored distribution (i.e. a diagonal covariance matrix) and predict each dimesion separately. Another possible approach would be to use an auto-regressive method like in [3], but we leave that implementation for future work.


import torch
from mdn.model import MixtureDensityNetwork

x = torch.randn(5, 1)
y = torch.randn(5, 1)

# 1D input, 1D output, 3 mixture components
model = MixtureDensityNetwork(1, 1, 3)
pred_parameters = model(x)

# use this to backprop
loss = model.loss(x, y)

# use this to sample a trained model
samples = model.sample(x)

For further details see the examples/ folder. Below is a model fit with 3 components in ex_1d.py.



[1] Bishop, C. M. Mixture density networks. (1994).

[2] Ha, D. & Schmidhuber, J. World Models. arXiv:1803.10122 [cs, stat] (2018).

[3] Van Den Oord, A., Kalchbrenner, N. & Kavukcuoglu, K. Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks. in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 48 1747–1756.


This code is available under the MIT License.