
Results 53 comments of tonycpsu

I don't understand the question. Are you asking how to do something using panwid? If so, what are you trying to do?

The default behavior in the examples is to highlight the focused line. This is done by setting the `focus_map` attribute of the `urwid.AttrMap` as described [here](

You need to initialize the program with the correct palette entries from the `DataTable` class, as shown [here]( There are some extra unused palette entries defined in there that you...

Just to set expectations here: the master branch of `panwid` is very raw at this point, so you'll run into things like this. I'm pushing a lot of other changes...

Try to upgrade to latest master and see if that works for you. It still won't work with pagination, and nothing else will until I get time to implement a...

Er, pushed too soon. Try again with c972b45

Sorry, but I had to revert this change for now because it was breaking some other datatable functionality that I'm using right now. I've reopened this ticket as a reminder...

Aside from some unicode weirdness there (the ????s at the top should be a horizontal line, the ? in the scrollbar should be ⊖) that's pretty much what it looks...

Yeah, it looks fine. ![image]( If there is a bug in urwid, I'm a maintainer over there now so I should be able to fix it. Just not sure what...

Thanks for the thorough reply. > What are you using PySceneDetect for, out of curiosity? I've been putting together what sounds suspiciously like the GUI video editing thing you say...