Differ icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Differ copied to clipboard

Help / Documentation needed

Open RomainQuidet opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments


Thanks for this wonderful project.

I'm working with a UICollectionView with sections and items. I use differ API animateItemAndSectionChanges to animate my sections / items changes according to my data source.

Question 1

I can't find anyway to change the animation order (insert items first, delete after etc.). I saw Patch and Diff object, but no API to use them (except the apply buf NestedExtendedDiff does not allow ordering animation.

Question 2

Maybe not related to this project, but I have sections header / footer views, and after cells animation with differ, the headers are not correctly layout (the view moves up and down, and stay above cell). Small scroll or layout invalidation solves the issue... Strange.


RomainQuidet avatar May 03 '19 15:05 RomainQuidet