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Move row in moving section failed in TableView

Open jcislinsky opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

Hi, I just reached to problem with moving rows inside of section that is moved in the same update. Example app (NestedTableViewController) have this issue. I updated items in https://github.com/EtneteraMobile/Differ/tree/test-move to highlight invalid behaviour.

This is result of update, where section are switched and rows inside are switched too. Expected result: Second – 2, 1; First – 2, 1 Invalid result: Second – 2, 1; First – 1, 2

It seems to be bug in UITableView that doesn't perform move in section that is moving. simulator screen shot - iphone x - 2018-04-18 at 10 56 58

jcislinsky avatar Apr 18 '18 10:04 jcislinsky