logback-android copied to clipboard
"Failed to instantiate converter class" & %PARSER_ERROR due to R8
Since AGP 7.0 its shrinker (R8) in release build type works more aggressively and strips no-arg constructors from logback's pattern converters.
- StatusPrinter prints configuration error messages like this:
|-ERROR in u1.a@10edaa7 - Failed to instantiate converter class [a1.e] for keyword [msg] c2.f: Failed to instantiate type a1.e
at c2.f: Failed to instantiate type a1.e
at androidx.savedstate.d.m(SourceFile:1)
at u1.a.J(SourceFile:19)
at t1.g.start(SourceFile:10)
at w0.a.start(SourceFile:5)
at f3.a.<init>(SourceFile:33)
at gmk57.testlogback.App.onCreate(SourceFile:2)
at ...
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: <init> []
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:2204)
at ...
|-ERROR in u1.a@10edaa7 - [msg] is not a valid conversion word
is an obfuscated ch.qos.logback.classic.pattern.ContextNameConverter
Same happens with DateConverter
, FileOfCallerConverter
, etc
- Log file, instead of real log lines, consists of repeated:
Steps to reproduce
- Add logback-android to project, configure it in code, e.g. with AsyncAppender, RollingFileAppender & PatternLayoutEncoder (I can provide a specific configuration, but don't think it matters much).
- Build app in release mode with minification. For some reason I couldn't reproduce the issue in debug mode with
minifyEnabled true
Add to proguard-rules.pro
-keepclassmembers class ch.qos.logback.classic.pattern.* { <init>(); }
Ideally this should be added to library's consumer-rules.pro
version: 2.0.0 - Android version: does not matter