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Algorithmically-defined color ramps generator, making use of formulas.

Color Ramp Formulator icon COLOR RAMP FORMULATOR

Color Ramp Formulator is an open-source desktop application used to generate algorithmically-defined color ramps, making use of formulas.

This application is built with Electron, and works on macOS, Linux and Windows operating systems.

Color Ramp Formulator (Color Table) screenshot Color Ramp Formulator (Daibutsu) screenshot Color Ramp Formulator (Heightmap) screenshot Color Ramp Formulator (Sinusoidal) screenshot


CubeHelix (Destiny)

CubeHelix (Destiny) Curves Map

CubeHelix (Destiny) Linear Gradient

cubehelix_color (1 - t, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1, [ 0.15, 0.85 ])


Diverging Curves Map

Diverging Linear Gradient

    cos ((t - 2/6) * PI),
    cos ((t - 3/6) * PI),
    cos ((t - 4/6) * PI)

Fancy (Ternary)

Fancy (Ternary) Curves Map

Fancy (Ternary) Linear Gradient

    (x < 127.5) ? 255 - (2 * x) : (2 * x) - 255,
    (x < 127.5) ? 1.5 * x : 127.5 + (0.5 * x),
    (x < 127.5) ? 127.5 + (0.5 * (255 - x)) : 1.5 * (255 - x)

Green Sequential (Discrete)

Green Sequential (Discrete) Curves Map

Green Sequential (Discrete) Linear Gradient

    [ 0, 255 ], x

Iron (YCbCr)

Iron (YCbCr) Curves Map

Iron (YCbCr) Linear Gradient

    lerp (0.059, 0.886, t),
    cubic ([ 5.99477, -8.68926, 2.53768, 0.550188 ], t),
    cubic ([ 0.683558, -2.49828, 1.94276, 0.383144 ], t)

Navajo White (Transformed)

Navajo White (Transformed) Curves Map

Navajo White (Transformed) Linear Gradient

    0, lerp (1, 2, t), lerp (1, 1/3, t)

Parakeet (CubeHelix)

Parakeet (CubeHelix) Curves Map

Parakeet (CubeHelix) Linear Gradient

        [ 0/3, cubehelix (260, 60, 35) ],
        [ 2/3, cubehelix (80, 120, 75) ],
        [ 3/3, "gold" ]
    "cubehelix-dec", [ 100, 0, 0 ]

Radiancy (HSL)

Radiancy (HSL) Curves Map

Radiancy (HSL) Linear Gradient

    [ "#2A4858", "#FAFA6E", "#2A4858" ],
    [ 0, 1 ], t,
    "hsl-far", [ 0, 100, 0 ]

Two-Sided Color Bar

Two-Sided Color Bar Curves Map

Two-Sided Color Bar Linear Gradient

    t < 0.5 ? lerp (240, 120, t) : lerp (60, -60, t - 0.5),

Yellow to Blue

Yellow to Blue Curves Map

Yellow to Blue Linear Gradient

    1/9 + 1/6 + (t / 2),
    1 - pow (t, 1.5)

Yellow to Red (Wavelengths)

Yellow to Red (Wavelengths) Curves Map

Yellow to Red (Wavelengths) Linear Gradient

wavelength_color (lerp (580, 645, t))


You can download the latest release for macOS.


You'll need Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer in order to build this application.

Clone method

# Clone the repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd color-ramp-formulator
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the application
npm start

Note: to use the clone method, the core tool git must also be installed.

Download method

If you don't wish to clone, you can download the source code, unZip it, then directly run the following commands from a Terminal opened at the resulting color-ramp-formulator-master folder location:

# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the application
npm start


Several scripts are also defined in the package.json file to build OS-specific bundles of the application, using the simple yet powerful Electron Packager Node module.
For instance, running the following command (once the dependencies are installed) will create a Color Ramp version for macOS:

# Build macOS (Darwin) application
npm run build-darwin


The MIT License (MIT).

Copyright © 2020-2022 Michel Mariani.