hxssl copied to clipboard
Mobile builds
I have created a library for handling websockets: https://github.com/soywiz/haxe-ws
And I am using hxssl for secure websockets in sys platforms. But it happens that it is not including Android/iOS builds.
Is there any reason for that? May I help with this?
1)openssl\project\tars\openssl-1.0.2e.tar.gz 解压到 openssl\project\unpack\openssl-1.0.2e 2)openssl\tools\Build.hx
//run("tar", [ inBZ ? "xf" : "xzf", "tars/" + inTar, "--no-same-owner", "-C", baseDir ]); //if (inCheckDir!="") // File.saveContent(inCheckDir+"/.extracted","extracted");
3)修改src\build.xml a)
<lib name="-lssl" /> <lib name="-lcrypto" />
<lib name="../openssl/lib/Android/libopenssl${LIBSUFFIX}.a" if="android"/>
<target id="hxssl.ndll" ...> 改成:
<set name="DEBUGEXTRA" value="-debug" if="fulldebug" />
<set name="DEBUGEXTRA" value="-debug" if="debug" />
<set name="LIBSUFFIX" value="${HX_TARGET_SUFFIX}" if="HX_TARGET_SUFFIX" />
<set name="LIBSUFFIX" value="${LIBEXTRA}" unless="LIBSUFFIX" />
<target id="hxssl" tool="linker" toolid="dll" output="${LIBPREFIX}hxssl${DEBUGEXTRA}${LIBSUFFIX}">
c) <target id="default">
<target id="hxssl.ndll"/>
<target id="default">
<target id="hxssl"/>
cd openssl/tools; haxe compile.hxml
cd openssl/project; neko build.n android -v
cd src haxelib run hxcpp build.xml clean haxelib run hxcpp build.xml -Dandroid -DHXCPP_ARMV7 haxelib run hxcpp build.xml -Dandroid