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Ignore methods during isolation
I was having an issue with calling a certain static method which called other methods downstream (one of which was LINQ and EntityFramework) where using Pose.Isolate(...) it would fail.
My basic question is: is there a way I can tell it to not traverse through a certain method call recursively (short-circuit it)
I took the source and made a simple/hack way to do this that works, but wondering if there is a way without customizing the source:
Shim shimCheckVal = Shim.Replace(() => CheckVal(Is.A<int>())).With((Func<int, int>)(x => { return 2; }));
PoseContext.Isolate(() =>
person = Fetch(id);
}, shimCheckVal);
In this example, I am using a regex pattern to ignore any method in the System namespace.
To make this work, I just changed the EmitILForMethod implementation and added the check at the top:
private void EmitILForMethod(ILGenerator ilGenerator, Instruction instruction, MemberInfo memberInfo)
if (PoseContext.CheckIgnore($"{memberInfo.DeclaringType.FullName}.{memberInfo.Name}"))
ilGenerator.Emit(instruction.OpCode, memberInfo as MethodInfo);
The PoseContext class just has some methods for setting up the ignore patterns and checking them:
internal static List<Regex> Ignores { private set; get; } = new List<Regex>();
public static void IgnoreClear()
public static void Ignore(string pattern)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pattern));
Ignores.Add(new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled));
public static bool CheckIgnore(string value)
foreach (var ignore in Ignores)
if (ignore.IsMatch(value))
return true;
return false;
Hi @dtkujawski, Pose doesn't support ignoring methods. Will consider including this feature in the next major release
When is the next major release to be expected? :)