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Wrong chords for secondary dominants minor relative
Either I understand the name incorrectly or the chords are somewhat weird.
chords: ["Cmaj7", "Dm7", "Em7", "Fmaj7", "G7" "Am7", "Bm7b5"],
secondaryDominants: ["", "A7", "B7", "C7", "D7", "E7", ""],
secondaryDominantsMinorRelative: ["" "Em7b5", "F#m7", "Gm7", "Am7", "Bm7b5", ""],
Shouldnt Em7b5 be an Em7 in secondaryDominantsMinorRelative? Also, F#m7 should be F#m7b5.
I believe you are correct.
Personally, I would have given the secondary dominants of minor chords major qualities instead of minor qualities because it makes the minor chords feel more like the tonic.
Maybe we can add another array something like
MajorSecondaryDominantsMinorRelative: ["" "Em7", "F#m7b5", "Gm7", "Am7", "Bm7b5", ""],
MinorSecondaryDominantsMinorRelative: ["" "E7", "F#7b5", "G7", "A7", "B7b5", ""],
Alternatively, we could have a method that takes in a string as a parameter. That way we would only need one array.
scale.getSecondaryDominantsMinorRelative("minor") -> returns ["" "Em7", "F#m7b5", "Gm7", "Am7", "Bm7b5", ""]
scale.getSecondaryDominantsMinorRelative("major") -> returns ["" "E7", "F#7b5", "G7", "A7", "B7b5", ""]