covid-19-uk-data copied to clipboard
Find population and boundary data for local authorities and health boards
Wales Health Boards:
May need some work to map from LA to HB.
Again may need some work to map from lower to upper LA or HB.
I picked up a file census.csv
from (free sign-in required) which at first glance looked like it contains the right area codes, at least for England. Usefully bins population into 5 year age intervals. Although have to bear in mind it's 2011 census data so a bit out of date (and folks are almost a decade older now!)
Again may need some work to map from lower to upper LA or HB.
The Scotland and Wales links seem obviously useful, but I'm a bit puzzled by this England one. It seems to be the "front door" to a vast quantity of good stuff... but amongst it I do not see anything with lower or upper tier area population/demographic data in a csv/spreadsheet file. There's certainly an obvious csv file with a whole of UK (no areas) population estimate timeseries, and there's a page with some maps which look like they have been produced from regional data (e.g figure 4 on )... I'm somewhat mystified where that data is downloadable from though.
Ah hang on, that page has a link to "All data related to Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: mid-2018" which takes me to which looks like it might have something useful. (Wish I knew the terminology and hierarchy of all these different area types better!)
Useful thread here (also has links to geo info):
Does this help?
Excel file with matching LA codes for England Scotland and NI - wales seems a bit broken
Resources for NI would be useful too, now that we have per LGD (local government district) breakdowns for confirmed case numbers.
We've managed to do the mapping and I've managed to map it to both Health Board at a Scottish Level and lower levels in England, Wales, and NI and it works in my dashboard - it's currently proprietary format - but will try and save it off into excel and also will detail where it came from - pretty sure it is all ONS data ..
ONS data is not MIT? - This is why I have avoided using or trying to parse. Need to check license and make any shape data clear in this respect.
Ok, so as a first step of tidying up my notes and doing documentation, here are the files I have used:
GeoJson | Local_Health_Boards_December_2016_Full_Clipped_Boundaries_in_Wales.geojson | Shape files for the Welsh Local Health Boards | Open Government Licence v3.0 | ONS | |
Shapefile | NHS_England_Regions_April_2019_EN_BUC.zi[ | Shape files for the English NHS Regions | Open Government Licence v3.0 | ONS | |
Shapefile | | Shape files for the Department of Health Boundaries Northern Ireland | Open Government Licence v3.0 | OpenDataNI | |
Shapefile | | Shape files for the Scottish Health Boards | Open Government Licence v3.0 | Scottish Government | |
and I have used our software to smooth the edges (polygons were massive), by using a simplify routine and then used simple names, NHSCode, NHSName, NHSPolygon, and created a simplified central point for the polygons where they weren't in existence. Then saved it out to csv (we use a proprietary format normally), hope it works! Am documenting everything else, so will do the same with my mapping from UTLA to that file.
This is the shapefile I assembled from UK UTLAs, Wales LHB, Scotland LHB, and whatever NI felt like using.
also from:
Thanks for sharing the shapefile @robchallen!
Well, it is probably the longest way to do it but from this link we can download the boundaries then create a loop matching areacodes then once downloaded use this to convert topo to geojson and finally
I've kept mine at Health Board, but then allowed for drill downs to UTLA's and STP's in England - Can finally share - I've brought in the daily death data for England as well .. Much more interesting when you also bring in Population data - some of the data is in proprietary format, but apart from the polygons, I can always export other data into excel / csv - double and triple checked the different data quality and mapping pieces - I've also posted links to where I got the relevant files on the final sheet with hyperlinks:
I've kept mine at Health Board, but then allowed for drill downs to UTLA's and STP's in England - Can finally share - I've brought in the daily death data for England as well .. Much more interesting when you also bring in Population data - some of the data is in proprietary format, but apart from the polygons, I can always export other data into excel / csv - double and triple checked the different data quality and mapping pieces - I've also posted links to where I got the relevant files on the final sheet with hyperlinks:
my idea is to go here and grab the json
then the geojson will be created only once using the method above in my comment, but it's nice what you did tho
in you will find the centroid lat and lon for each postcode in the UK. For each postcode, the csv file also gives the AreaCode. So, you can do some searching through the file to find lat and lon. I attach a result for the 183 area codes found in covid-19-cases-uk.csv.
Note that several postcodes will fall into a given area. I just picked the first I found. This may not be actually in the centre of the area. A better work would entail finding all postcodes in an area, then calculating their centre of gravity...
This is the shapefile I assembled from UK UTLAs, Wales LHB, Scotland LHB, and whatever NI felt like using.
also from:
Hi @robchallen, I've been trying to find a low-resolution shapefile for Scottish Health Boards and came up blank - is it okay to use your compiled file for some research using data from National Records of Scotland? I'm looking at deaths at home in 2020 in Scotland.