Tom Verbeure

Results 30 comments of Tom Verbeure

If you’re referring to the Upduino patches that I pushed last year: that’s for a v2.0. Tom

@cyber-murmel Hey cyber-murmel, do you mind if I use that picture that you posted above in a presentation about FPGA board hacking? Tom

Nice! Just ordered a bunch of them as well.

The [product photo on Amazon]( shows a DRAM number that ends with 322A. When you go to [the page on the ESMT website]( that has all the DRAMs, there is...

Brad, Could you check on one of those cards if what kind of FPGA is on there? Tom

Thanks! That makes the card very similar to the RV901T. Personally, I’m more interested in the ECP5 FPGAs because the availability of an open source flow, and I assume many...

Hi Benedek, I must have missed the email with the PR. Let me check it tomorrow and if all looks fine, I'll commit. Tom

I missed this part of your initial comment: > Run pip install . to intall bscan_tools (create virtualenv to keep clean your original python) So now my Python environment on...

The VexRiscv only uses an MMU if you've configured it to use an MMU with the MmuPlugin. Otherwise, it's physical addresses all the way up and down. You'll find a...

I've personally never use the VexRiscv MMU. Barebones CPUs are much easier to set up and work with. I don't know what your goals are, but if you have the...