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Trouble importing into ObjectiveC project
This probably isn't a TZStackView issue, but my own ignorance on this one. I have an objective c project and am trying to import TZStackVew. I've read up on the Autogenerated header but it's never generated for me. Here's what I've done
Dragged the following to my project TZSpacerView.swift TZStackView.h TZStackView.swift TZStackViewAlignment.swift TZStackViewDistribution.swift
My understanding is a header is auto generated allowing me to access these. I am able to compile with these in my project as long as I don't use them in any way. I'm not seeing any auto generated header.
After searching around the internet for help I go to build settings and under packaging look at "Product Module Name" and "Product Name", they are actually blank if I'm looking at the global project. If I click on my targets (I have 2, one for a free ver of my app and one for a paid) I see "Upwords" and "Upwords_Free" for the free one.
I've tried
import "Upwords-Swift.h"
import "Upwords_Free-Swift.h"
I also tried typing in an arbitrary name at the project level (not the targets) and no luck there either.
The headers are never found. I know this isn't really your issue.. but if you have a quick answer I'd appreciate it. I noticed I can build a framework from your project. I did try building one and dragging that in but didn't help either. My first toe dip into swift
Thanks for any pointers Daniel
Ok, think I spoke too soon. Checked my other target and it did work and found that my free target didn't include all the swift files in the "compile sources" section. I did get some errors though about some constraints not available in ios7 and had to wrap them like
if #available(iOS 8.0, *) {
stackViewConstraints.append(constraint(item: self, attribute: .BottomMargin, toItem: spacerViews[0]))
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions