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REM unit for sizes

Open simkoG opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Could you add REM size after px, em and %?

simkoG avatar Feb 02 '22 11:02 simkoG

@simkoG added this to the backlog of our next version, we will review and evaluate if it can be added without any issues.

JeanPaiva avatar Feb 02 '22 17:02 JeanPaiva


ejcabquina avatar Feb 28 '22 04:02 ejcabquina

+1 for this in the next main release. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that you can set all base typography in GP with REM units but then don't have them available in GB. Thanks

eastriverstudio avatar Jul 11 '22 10:07 eastriverstudio


I know you probably can't support all of the units for every property in the interface. It would be nice if an advanced switch/field were available for people to enter their own units. REM for containers would be a great start, but I also like CH for margin and padding especially, although that's probably not a super popular unit among GB users.

This would be a very flexible solution:

ericbrissette avatar Jul 30 '22 03:07 ericbrissette

Closing as this will be tracked internally.

JeanPaiva avatar Jan 10 '23 20:01 JeanPaiva