emacs-rails copied to clipboard
Tomtt's version of the minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs
It is minor mode for editing "Ruby On Rails":ror code with "Emacs":emacs. This minor mode makes your work much easier and user friendly
== Instalation
You need download last release from RubyForge page "http://rubyforge.org/projects/emacs-rails" and and unpack it to directory containing libraries of Emacs, by default it's $HOME/.emacs.d/
You can also use SVN
cd $HOME/.emacs.d/ svn co svn://rubyforge/var/svn/emacs-rails/trunk emacs-rails
Download and install required libraries
- "http://www.kazmier.com/computer/snippet.el":snippets
- "http://www.webweavertech.com/ovidiu/emacs/find-recursive.txt":frecursive
Alert: From 0.44 release emacs-rails will require the "inf-ruby":inf-ruby.
After that you must add this code in $HOME/.emacs
(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/rails" load-path)) (require 'rails)
For Windows users: you can use your help in CHM format (the default ri). This will require utility "KeyHH":keyhh. And add to a file .emacs
(setq rails-chm-file "full_path_to_rails_chm_manual")
After that you can run Emacs. Almost all available actions are in the menu [Ruby On Rails]. The snippets are in the menu [Ruby On Rails-Snippets], for the convenience, they are divided into categories.
To change default setting, select [Ruby On Rails - Customize].
== First Acquaintance
Go to directory with your rails application and open any file in Emacs:
cd $HOME/project/simple_rails_application emacs app/controllers/application.rb
There must be "RoR" sign in the list of active minor-modes in status bar. Thi means, that emacs-rails is enabled and ready to help you in your not so easy work.
Almoust all actions are in the "RubyOnRails" menu. You can check it out and try some of them. Don't forget, that menu will help you only first time. After that you better use hot keys for effective work, you can find them in the brackets.
== Features
- TextMate-like snippets
- Display of colored log files
- Integration with script/generate and script/destroy (controller, model, scaffold, migration, etc)
- Integration with script/console and script/breakpointer
- Run rake %(key)C-c C-c r%
- Quick start svn-status in RAILS_ROOT %(key)f9%
- Documentation search using ri or chm file and Rails API reference in HTML %(key)f1%
- Quick access to the main configuration files
- Automatic TAGS generation in RAILS_ROOT directory
=== Management of WEBrick/Mongrel
- Your can select Webrick, Mongrel or Lighttpd
- Start/stop application server %(key)C-c C-c w s%
- Automatic browsing on current action (from view or controller) %(key)C-c C-c w a%
=== Navigation in RAILS_ROOT hierarchy
- Quick switch stylesheets, javascripts, migrations, layouts, helpers, controllers, models, observers, plugins
- In controller file: go to views, functional test, helper %(key)C-down%
- Switch between action/view %(key)Ñ-up%
- Go to file in current line (example: cursor at line [redirect_to controller => :home, :action => "show"], will be open action "show" in "home" controller) %(key)C-RET%
- Quick access to the main configuration files using menu
Other hot keys
- %(key)C-c C-c g g% rails-nav:goto-migrate
- %(key)C-c C-c g j% rails-nav:goto-javascripts
- %(key)C-c C-c g s% rails-nav:goto-stylesheets
- %(key)C-c C-c g l% rails-nav:goto-layouts
- %(key)C-c C-c g h% rails-nav:goto-helpers
- %(key)C-c C-c g c% rails-nav:goto-controllers
- %(key)C-c C-c g m% rails-nav:goto-models
- %(key)C-c C-c g o% rails-nav:goto-observers
- %(key)C-c C-c g p% rails-nav:goto-plugins
=== ERb refactoring
- Create partial from selection %(key)C-c p%
- Create helper from block %(key)C-c b%
= Bugs
emacs-rails designed for current CVS version of Emacs (future Emacs22) more probably some functions will not work in older version, or will work with errors, so if it is possible, try to update. I will not tell you why you should use CVS version, just take my word.
In some version from CVS some time ago, when you use emacs-rails, sintax highlight in rhtml was not working, so just update to the newest version from CVS.
If you find error, place it description in "BugTrack":bugtrack.
= Links
- "Emacs W32 (CVS version for Windows)":http://ourcomments.org/Emacs/EmacsW32.html
- "HowToUseEmacsWithRails":http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/HowToUseEmacsWithRails
- "http://scott.elitists.net/users/scott/posts/rails-on-emacs":http://scott.elitists.net/users/scott/posts/rails-on-emacs
- "http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/RubyMode":http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/RubyMode
- "Emacs screencast":screencast
- "Effective Emacs":effectiveemacs
[bugtrack]http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?atid=5809&group_id=1484&func=browse [effectiveemacs]http://steve.yegge.googlepages.com/effective-emacs [screencast]http://emacsonrails.drozdov.net/ [lisp]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_programming_language [frecursive]http://www.webweavertech.com/ovidiu/emacs/find-recursive.txt [keyhh]http://www.keyworks.net/keyhh.htm [snippets]http://www.kazmier.com/computer/snippet.el [emacs]http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ [ror]http://rubyonrails.org [emacs-rails]http://rubyforge.org/projects/emacs-rails [inf-ruby]http://svn.ruby-lang.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/misc/inf-ruby.el?view=co