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Dynamic connectivity data structure by Holm, de Lichtenberg, and Thorup

Dynamic Connectivity Build Status

This is an implementation of Holm et al.'s data structure for dynamic connectivity.

About dynamic connectivity


We have an undirected graph undergoing edge insertions and edge deletions. We want to be able to answer queries of the form "are vertices x and y connected?"

Data structure

The relevant header file is dynamic_connectivity.hpp.

The data structure implemented in this repository is described in section 3 of the paper Poly-Logarithmic Deterministic Fully-Dynamic Algorithms for Connectivity, Minimum Spanning Tree, 2-Edge, and Biconnectivity. Another helpful description is in the lecture MIT 6.851 Advanced Data Structures (Spring 2012) — Lecture 20: Dynamic Graphs II. The data structure achieves O(log^2 n) amortized time edge insertions and deletions and O(log n) time connectivity queries. (This repository does not implement the extra trick of using a B-tree to reduce the time complexity for connectivity queries from O(log n) to O(log n / log log n).)



This code uses CMake version 3.13.2 and g++ version 7.4.0 with Boost version 1.68 on Linux.


Run the following shell commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # or `cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..` to remove debug assertions and info
make check # run tests
make docs # optional: make documentation files in docs/html/
./src/dynamic_graph/benchmark/benchmark_dynamic_connectivity # run a benchmark


Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, and Mikkel Thorup. Poly-logarithmic deterministic fully-dynamic algorithms for connectivity, minimum spanning tree, 2-edge, and biconnectivity. Journal of the ACM, 48(4):723–760, 2001.