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File Templates and Code Skeletons/Snippets for VIM

tskeleton provides file templates and code skeletons ("snippets" or "bits"). These templates may contain special tags that are replaced with some computed value (e.g., variables, user input ...), vimscript code, or place holders/jump positions (see |tskeleton-jump-positions|).

Basic usage: Type :new filename.ext. If a skeleton for the respective filetype is defined (see |tskeleton-skeletons|), it will be read into the buffer.

Type a partial name of a snippet (at least the first letter) and press (in insert mode) (see |tskeleton-key-bindings| for alternative key maps). If the name identifies a snippet/bit, it will be replaced with its expansion text. If there are several snippets beginning with that "name", you will be asked to select one from a list of matching snippets.

can be configured to expand snippets but also (albeit disabled by default) abbreviations, functions (VIM script only), tags, word, 'completefunc' and 'omnifunc' items (see |g:tskelTypes| and |g:tskelHyperComplete| for details.)

Press to jump to the next place holder (see |tskeleton#GoToNextTag()|).

Demo -- tskeleton and the stakeholders (vimscript #3326) plugin: http://vimsomnia.blogspot.com/2010/11/tskeleton-and-stakeholders-vim-plugins.html

Git: https://github.com/tomtom/tskeleton_vim

For similar plugins see: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Snippet_Plugin_Comparison

Limitations of tskeleton: - Place holders cannot be nested. - tskeleton was originally written for vim 6.0. I'd expect it to be less snappy than more modern and simpler plugins, although it tries to provide acceptable performance on slower computers by caching frequently reused data.

Advantages of tskeleton with respect to some other plugins: - tskeleton provides for more complex templates (see |tskeleton-place-holder|) including conditional expansion, loops, inclusion of other templates, user queries etc. - Easy creation of camel case, all upper/lower case letter names etc. (see |tskeleton-modifiers|).

It depends: - A place holder is some text in the buffer, i.e. tskeleton uses less magic when handling jump positions. As long as users don't replace all place holders, the buffer's contents most likely isn't valid code and an interpreter/compiler will most likely refuse to load it even if the code is never executed.



Edit the vba file and type:

:so %

See :help vimball for details.

It is recommended to use tskeleton in conjunction with the stakeholders plugin (vimscript #3326):


If you don't already have some skeletons, you may want to download tskeleton-Samples.zip from:


or from


Copy the files to your local vimfiles directory (see also |add-global-plugin|). The directory structure should look like this:

        &filetype.txt (single line templates)


tskeleton also provides partial support for snipMate snippets (see https://github.com/honza/snipmate-snippets). The following limitations apply: - tskeleton cannot handle nested tags/place holders


In order to speed up things, tskeleton caches intermediate results. Those files are created in |g:tlib_cache|. By default, the old files will be removed from the cache every |g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days| days. In order to disable purging (e.g. if you purge the cache directory by means of a cron script), set |g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days| to -1.


File templates~

The file skeletons are stored in the skeletons subdirectory. Which template is used for which new file is controlled by |:autocmd|s. This provides greater flexibility than a &filetype based approach as you can select templates on the basis of a filename pattern or a specific directory.

Currently, the following file types are supported by default:

  • batch.bat
  • deplate.txt
  • latex.tex
  • php.inc.php
  • php.php
  • plugin.vim
  • ruby.rb
  • shell.sh
  • text.txt

In order to add support for a new filetype, save a skeleton file to ~/.vim/skeletons/file.suffix and add something like this to your .vimrc file: >

autocmd BufNewFile *.suffix       TSkeletonSetup template.suffix
autocmd BufNewFile /here/*.suffix TSkeletonSetup othertemplate.suffix

Alternatively, you can store templates as: >

~/.vim/skeletons/templates/GROUP/FILETYPE PATTERN

where GROUP is an arbitrary name for a collection of auto templates, FILETYPE is a know vim filetype, and the pattern is an encoded pattern (# == *, %XX=Char XXh) for auto-generated autocmds.

Example: Templates file names for some vim-related files: >

~/.vim/skeletons/templates/vim/help #%2fvimfiles%2fdoc%2f#.txt
~/.vim/skeletons/templates/vim/vim #%2fvimfiles#%2fftplugin%2f#.vim
~/.vim/skeletons/templates/vim/vim #%2fvimfiles#%2fsyntax%2f#.vim

< tskeleton-place-holder

Tags (which look like <+...+>) serve two purposes:

- marker for jump positions (see |tskeleton#GoToNextTag()|)
- dynamic content expansion

You can use tags to define cursor jump positions. tskeleton also supports some special tags that are expanded when inserting the skeleton.

A list of special tags: tSkeletion-<+FILE NAME ROOT+> <+FILE NAME ROOT+> The file name root tSkeletion-<+FILE NAME+> <+FILE NAME+> The file name tSkeletion-<+FILE SUFFIX+> <+FILE SUFFIX+> The file suffix tSkeletion-<+FILE DIRNAME+> <+FILE DIRNAME+> The file's directory tSkeletion-<+NOTE+> <+NOTE+> A note tSkeletion-<+DATE+> <+DATE+> The current date (the format is controlled via g:tskelDateFormat) tSkeletion-<+AUTHOR+> <+AUTHOR+> The author's name (g:tskelUserName) tSkeletion-<+EMAIL+> <+EMAIL+> The author's e-mail (g:tskelUserEmail) tSkeletion-<+COMPANY+> <+COMPANY+> The author's company (g:tskelUserCompany) tSkeletion-<+WEBSITE+> <+WEBSITE+> The author's homepage (g:tskelUserWWW) tSkeletion-<+LICENSE+> <+LICENSE+> The name of the license this file is released under (g:tskelLicense)

In order to define your own tag, you have to define a function called TSkeleton_TAGNAME() that returns the text to be filled in.


tskeleton also supports the following pseudo-tags:

<+CURSOR+>                                      *tSkeletion-<+CURSOR+>*
    Where to place the cursor after insertion

<+&NAME+>                                       *tSkeletion-<+&+>*
    A vim option

<+g:NAME+>                                      *tSkeletion-<+g:+>*
    A global variable

<+b:NAME+>                                      *tSkeletion-<+b:+>*
    A buffer local variable

<+?QUERY?+>                                     *tSkeletion-<+?+>*
    Query[1] the user

    Query[1] the user and propose some choices from the variable VAR

<+bit:BIT+>, <+bit:BIT|"DEFAULT"+>, <+bit:BIT|COMMANDS+>
    Insert a bit; if the bit isn't defined for the current filetype, 
    use DEFAULT; if DEFAULT matches ".*" insert it as a string; 
    otherwise interpret it as a command sequence to be fed to normal

<+tskel:TSKELETON+>                             *tSkeletion-<+tskel+>*
    Same as the above

<+call:FUNCTION(ARGS)+>                         *tSkeletion-<+call+>*
    Insert the result value of some function

<+include(TSKELETON)+>                           *tSkeletion-<+include+>*
    Another synonym for the above.

<+execute(EX COMMAND)+>                         *tSkeletion-<+execute+>*
    Run a vim command.

[1] If the query ends with a colon, the second question mark will be removed. Up to verson 2.4 VAR is a string, separating the items by an "\n". From 3.0 on, VAR is a list.

NOTE: Flow control and loop tags are experimental and it's more than just likely that the output doesn't meet your expectations.

Flow control: tSkeletion-<+if+> <+if(CONDITION)+> <+elseif(CONDITION)+> <+else+> <+endif+>

Loops: tSkeletion-<+for+> <+for(VAR in LIST)+> <+endfor+>, <+endfor(VAR)+> If you nest for loops, you have to add the variable name to the endfor tag. And no, this isn't the most clever way to do this.

Variables: tSkeletion-<+let+> <+let(VAR=VALUE)+> The variable will be unset or restored to its original value after processing the current template. VAR may have some modifiers attached: VAR? ... Set only if undefined VAR& ... Don't restore original variable

Interaction: tSkeletion-<+input+> <+input(VAR, QUERY, [DEFAULT], [COMPLETION])+> This will insert the user input and set the variable VAR (unless empty), which can be used throughout the template. The variable will be removed after finishing the current template. If the variable was previously defined, the original value will be restored. If VAR ends with '!', no text will be inserted in the buffer. In this case any whitespace (including one newline) after the tag will be removed. See also the notes on |tSkeletion-<+input+>|.

<+select(VAR, LIST, [TYPE='s'], [SEPARATOR=', '])+>
    Let the user select an item from a list.
    VAR is a string.
    TYPE is either 's' (single selection) or 'm' (multiple selection) -- 
    see also |tlib#input#List()|.
    If TYPE is 'm', the results are joined with SEPARATOR.
    Example: >
        before(<+select("s:type", [":all", ":each"])+>)
        before(<+select("s:type", ["A", "B", "C", "D"], "m", "-")+>)


Other: tSkeletion-<+nl+> <+nl+> Insert a newline

<+joinline+>                                    *tSkeletion-<+joinline+>*
    Join with next line. Delete any whitespace.
<+nop+>                                         *tSkeletion-<+nop+>*
    Insert nothing (could be necessary in conjunction with the "for" 

A wiki like table could then be constructed using a skeleton like this: >

let s:my_rows = input('Rows: ')
let s:my_cols = input('Columns: ')
unlet! s:my_rows s:my_cols
<+CURSOR+><+for(i in range(s:my_rows))+>
|<+for(j in range(s:my_cols))+> <+CELL+> |<+endfor(j)+><+nop+>

or: >

<+input('s:my_rows?!', 'Rows: ')+>
<+input('s:my_cols?!', 'Cols: ')+>
<+for(i in range(s:my_rows))+>
|<+for(j in range(s:my_cols))+> <+CURSOR+> |<+endfor(j)+><+nop+>

NOTE: The <+nop+> is necessary in order to prevent the <+endfor+> tag to "eat" the newline. If we include this bit from another bit that already sets s:my_rows and/or s:my_cols, the user won't be queried again (because of the "?" in the input statement). E.g. >

<+let(s:my_rows = 3)+>
<+let(s:my_cols = 3)+>


Any special tag can be preceded with a backslash in order to prevent expansion. Examples: >


surprisingly expands to >


It's best to use global variables with "if" and "for" tags as the body is most likely evaluated in a different buffer in a hypothetically unknown context.


Unknown tags are kept in the expanded skeleton. These tags can be used as cursor jump marks. This syntax was originally used by imap (vimscript #244 or vimscript #475). If you don't want to install imap, you can also
use |TSkeletonMapGoToNextTag()|.

Nameless tags (<++>) will disappear when they are selected.


case <+CURSOR+> in

When you insert this skeleton, the cursor will be placed at "<+CURSOR+>". If you press , the cursor will jump to "<+PATTERN+>" (the tag will remain selected). If you press three times, the cursor will jump to "<++>" (the tag will be deleted).

Check out the "test_tskeleton" skeleton for examples.


Tags can be modified using modifiers, like in: >


Known modifiers:

l          :: lower case
u          :: upper case
c          :: capitalize
C          :: transform to CamelCase
s/FROM/TO/ :: replace text (actually a s//g); this has to be the 
              last modifier; the pattern separator can be selected 

Example for a ruby class template: >

class <+FILE NAME ROOT:cs*\W*_*+>


Bits/Code Skeletons~

Smaller skeleton bits are stored in SKELETONS/bits/FILETYPE/ or SKELETONS/bits/general/. I.e., code skeletons can be filetype specific or generally available.

The filenames of the bits may be grouped in submenus as in:


This will create skeletons for \newcommand and \newenvironment but will group the skeletons under the TSkel.Define. menu with the respective accelerators.

                                                *tskeleton-Types* *g:tskelTypes*

tskeleton supports several types of code templates:

- skeleton (standard tskeleton functionality)
- abbreviations (VIM abbreviations)
- functions (VIM script functions extracted from :function)
- mini ("mini" bits, one-liners etc.)
- tags (tags-based code templates, requires ctags, I presume)

Not all types are enabled by default. User have to select, which types they want to use, by setting the g:tskelTypes at start-up. When changing the variable, users might have to call tskeleton#Initialize().


Smaller skeleton bits are stored in SKELETONS/bits/FILETYPE/ or SKELETONS/bits/general/. I.e., code skeletons can be filetype specific or generally available.

Skeleton bits can be filled in by typing: >

:TSkeletonBit NAME

For this command, command line completion is implemented. Calling this command will insert the contents of the respective file below the current line.

NOTE: Bit names should not contain ampersand (as these are interpreted as menu accelerators) and periods (which are used to construct submenus). Other special characters can be included by encoding them in hex form as %XX as it is done in URLs. Example: "%5Csection" becomes "\section".


The default key bindings for inserting code skeletons are:

<c-space>  ... In insert mode, expand name before the cursor
<Leader>## ... Expand name under cursor
<Leader>#t ... Insert code skeleton via command line
<c-\><c-\> ... In insert mode, expand the bit before the cursor (on 
               a German keyboard this happens to be <c-#><c-#>)


A bit name usually is the |word| under the cursor. If this doesn't fit your needs, you can define g:tskelKeyword_{&filetype} to define what makes up a skeleton name. Example: >

let g:tskelKeyword_viki = '\(#\|{\)\?[^#{[:blank:]]\{-}'


Code skeletons may contain vim code that is evaluated before or after expanding the tags. The before/after blocks are fed to |:exec| and must not contain function definitions.

NOTE: The "parser" is quite primitive. These tags have to start as single statement in a line at column 1, and they have to appear in the following order:

<tskel:msg>                                     *<tskel:msg>*
    Display an explanatory message after template expansion

<tskel:before>                                  *<tskel:before>*
    Execute code before template expansion in the target buffer

<tskel:after>                                   *<tskel:after>*
    Execute code after template expansion in the target buffer

<tskel:here_before>                             *<tskel:here_before>*
    Execute code before template expansion in the template buffer

<tskel:here_after>                              *<tskel:here_after>*
    Execute code after template expansion in the template buffer

<tskel:abbrev>                                  *<tskel:abbrev>*
    Make the bit available via |:abbreviate| under the enclosed name.

<tskel:menu>                                    *<tskel:menu>*
    Use this menu name instead of the default one.

<tskel:condition>                               *<tskel:condition>*
    An expression that checks whether a bit is eligible in the 
    current context.

BibTeX example: >

    Insert a collection entry
    let b:tskelArticleID = input("ID of bibentry: ")
    if b:tskelArticleID == "" | let b:tskelArticleID = "<+CURSOR+>" | endif
    unlet b:tskelArticleID
    author   = {<+CURSOR+>},
    title    = {<+ARTICLE TITLE+>},
    crossref = {<+CROSSREF+>},
    pages    = {<+PAGES+>},
    abstract = {[[~/Docs/Abstracts/<+b:tskelArticleID+>.txt]]},

In the above example, we query the user for an ID and insert this ID as entry key and as an abstract's file name.

The before/after blocks are evaluated in the destination buffer. The variants here_before/here_after are evaluated in the scratch buffer for the current code skeleton.



Some filetype's bits might be of use for other filetypes too. You can make them accessible by defining a g:tskelBitGroup_{&filetype} variable. E.g., in php mode all html bits are made accessible by setting this variable (the default): >

let g:tskelBitGroup_php = ['php', 'html']

Bits of type "general" are always available.


Maps -- Context-sensitive expansion~

To some extent, tskeleton is capable of offering the user only a small selection of eligible bits for a specific context if a map file ($VIMFILES/skeletons/map/{&filetype}) is provided. Such a map file is made up of regular expressions matching a specific context (before the cursor only) and a blank-separated list of eligible bits. The regexp and the list are separated by whitespace: >


Example: >

<form\\([^>]\\|\\n\\)*	name= action= method=

If an eligible bit is undefined, the name is inserted as is. I.e. you don't have to define skeletons for all these options and argument names.



Mini bits are kept in the files:

- $CWD/.tskelmini
- $VIMFILES/skeletons/bits/{&filetype}.txt

These files contain whitespace-separated pairs of bit names and their expansions. These files are meant to keep expansions of accronyms and abbreviations and the like. Example: >

IMHO    In my humble opinion
AFAIK   As far as I know



If g:tskelMenuPrefix is non-empty, tskeleton will display a menu containing all eligible bits for a certain filetype.

The menu can be hierarchical and certain entries may have shortcuts by properly naming the bits. Example: >


This will create the submenu "Environment" that can be selected by typing "e" (on Windows) and two entries, the first of which can be selected by typing "q" and the second by typing "u".

Be aware that the actual bit names are Quote and Quotation (i.e. the submenu and the ampersand are stripped off).




The function tskeleton#IncreaseRevisionNumber() provides a way to automatically update a revision number in the form >

@Revision: 1.0.393

In order to use this function, add something like this to your |vimrc| file: >

autocmd BufWritePre * call tskeleton#IncreaseRevisionNumber()


The TSkeletonCleanUpBibEntry command can be used to purge the current bibtex entry from expendable fields (i.e., lines matching <+.{-}+>).

For bibtex files, this command is bound to: <Leader>tc


If g:tskelMapGoToNextTag is true, the map will be enabled. (That is the key that was also used by the imaps.vim plugin.) Press to jump between tags.

This function provides one or two extras over the version of imaps.vim. An explanation:

- ###, +++, ???, !!! are used as markers too.
- If a marker is empty (e.g. <++>), the marker will be removed (as 
  imaps.vim does).
- If a marker matches <+NAME/DEFAULT+>, the marker will be replaced 
  with DEFAULT.
- If a snippet contains numbered placeholders (e.g. <+1+>), these 
  will be selected first in increasing number.

Dependencies: tlib (>= 1.10) :: http://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim

License: GPLv3 or later