Tom Link
Tom Link
> so apparently this way of defining comments is not reliable. > > Unfortunately, vim doesn't provide a uniform way to retrieve info about comments > formatting[1](like emacs does IIRC)....
> I was wondering if there is a way to force tcomment to use a line > comment on the next motion. Maybe this is possible to setup via a...
Since this seems to be a special case, I'd hesitate to include a new map in tcomment -- IMHO there already are too many maps defined by tcomment. I don't...
Did you mean gcic? tcomment doesn't use the cic map. Anyway, you could redefine g:tcomment_opleader1. Please see `:h tcomment-operator`. HTH
Which version do you use? Could you please provide me an code example? I assume it uses typescriptreact (`//`) instead of tsx (`{* ... *}`). What's the value of `g:tcomment#filetype#guess`?...
I assume jsx works properly because the filetype is `javascript.jsx` and `g:tcomment#filetype#guess_javascript = 1`.
Could you please be more specific and provide an example? With "block select" you mean $. This could cause some confusion. Why would you want to "block select" a single...
ruby_3 can be accessed, e.g., via the `s` map. These maps are a relict before tcomment handled count as intended. Today, they do the same as `3gcc` (for ruby filetype)....
The example demonstrates an interesting corner case at "local b" but other than that it works ok for me. Could you please explain what keys you press, which version you...
Sorry, I cannot reproduce the behaviour. Which version of vim do you use? Can you verify the problem with `vim -u NONE -U NONE` and ``` set nocp filetype plugin...