Tom Matthews

Results 18 comments of Tom Matthews

Hi @bartekpacia, will you have time to resolve these questions, I'd love to see your work merged here :)

Hi @geerlingguy, maybe use the following for an automated key remapping solution ? A short script `remap_mac_keys` to leverage MacOS native hidutil key remapping : ``` #!/bin/sh # Credit to...

Why not just issue this? : ``` $ hidutil property --set {"UserKeyMapping":[{"HIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrc": 0x700000039, "HIDKeyboardModifierMappingDst": 0x700000029}]} ```

I seem to be hitting this also. I make a request to a domain **X** which wants to redirect me to a different authorisation domain **A**, along with a _non-domain-specific_...

I believe it's an anti-pattern to train users to turn off certificate verification for self-signed certs. httpie is used widely in my current (very large) org, we have a internal...

Would be nice to merge these and become the most up to date and accurate of all the forks...

Getting this too, but on : Amazon Linux 2 (loosely Fedora) ``` ❯ wezterm --version wezterm 20240506-145255-0b50725f ❯ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 http GET '' | wezterm imgcat --no-resample --no-move-cursor --hold 13:29:45.466 ERROR...

I'd also love to see agent forwarding in WezTerm, but small side-note that the Windows OpenSSH agent (and specifically `ssh-add`) [is broken currently for users of SSH certificates](