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Utility to build eclipse distributions

Utility to generate custom Eclipse Distros

  1. About

This is a set of utility class who allow you easily create your own Eclipse Distribution from a base SDK

  1. Usage

To prepare the distro building you should download a base product like the SDK which you use as the source platform to build your distro. The preferred one is probably the Eclipse SDK from http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/.

Create a directory structure similar to this somewhere on your filesystem


  • targets - base products you want used as the base of your distro

    • 3.7.2
      • linux-gtk
        • x86 eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
        • x86_64 ...
      • macosx-cocoa
        • x86_64 ....
      • win32
        • x86 ....
        • x86_64 ....
    • $VERSION$
      • $OS-$WS$
        • $ARCH$
  • repos - holds static p2 repos to improve speed

    • 3.7.2 GEF-Update-3.7.2.zip ...
    • $VERSION$ ...
    • shared tmf-xtext-Update-2.3.0.zip ...
  • builder "Eclipse Install for your OS"

2.1 Ant

  <p2repository ...>

  <installunit ...>

2.2 Java

public class MyExporter {

// ... DistroBuilder b = new DistroBuilder(); b.setBuildDirectory("/tmp/jbuild"); b.setTargetDirectory("/Users/tomschindl/Desktop/efxclipse-all-in-one/jbuild/targets"); b.setP2DirectorExecutable("/Users/tomschindl/Desktop/efxclipse-all-in-one/jbuild/builder/eclipse"); b.setStaticReposDirectory("/Users/tomschindl/Desktop/efxclipse-all-in-one/jbuild/repos"); b.setDistDirectory("/tmp/jbuild/dist"); b.setVersion("0.0.14");

// Add update sites to consult b.addUpdateSite(new UpdateSite("http://cbes.javaforge.com/update", null, "win32", null)); // ...

// Add dynamic repos b.addP2Repository(new P2Repository("http://www.efxclipse.org/p2-repos/releases/at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.updatesite-0.0.14.zip", null, null, null)); // ...

// Add units to install b.addInstallUnit(new InstallUnit("org.eclipse.emf.sdk.feature.group,", null, null, null)); // ...


// ...
