PiThermalCam copied to clipboard
The PiThermalCam Project connects an MLX90640 Thermal IR Camera to a Raspberry Pi for viewing or web streaming.
Software Setup, Prerequisite/Setup, 1 apt-get installs:- python-smbus does not install on Pi4 running bullseye. However, python3-smbus does install.
Hi, I am a beginner to Raspberry Pi and I'm trying to connect an MLX90640 Thermal Camera to a Raspberry Pi 4B via the I2C bus to get a live...
Hi, i am trying to install a python library on my raspberry pi 3 b device and i get this error after waiting a number of hours: ```me@raspberrypi: ~ File...
Hi Firstly thanks for this excellent document on setting up the thermal camera It all works for me except that the saved images/screenshots do not appear to be saved. The...
in a fresh rpi 4 raspbian os 11 install, the image will not display correctly. it is only showing 1 colored square, and the rest are reading near 0. you...
Below question suggested adding edge detection and this looks possible in opencv as is. Research options to do this in the opencv mode and outside and add it as another...
I'm still a bit new to Python but I had the MLX90640 working great on a rPi 4. Seems plenty of things have changed with the rPi 5. Tried this...