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A PucaTrade bot that will automatically accept trades for you.

pucauto features

Pucauto is a PucaTrade bot that will automatically accept trades for you.

Pucauto launches Firefox, logs you in to PucaTrade, and continuously scans the Trades page looking for bundles of trades worth more than a minimum value that you set. If it finds one or more cards, Pucauto will accept them all for you. All you have to do is check your Sending page and mail them out.

You can leave Pucauto running in the background of your computer while you do other things like play Fallout 4, or sleep, or while you're at work.

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  1. Firefox
  2. Python 2.7
  3. Git (optional)
  4. Pip (usually comes with Python)

Mac / Linux

  1. Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/tomreece/pucauto.git or download the latest release.
  2. Open Terminal.
  3. Go to the Pucauto folder you just cloned or downloaded with cd /path/to/pucauto
  4. Run sudo pip install -r requirements.txt and enter your system password when prompted.


  1. Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/tomreece/pucauto.git or download the latest release.
  2. Download Python 2.7.10 from https://www.python.org/downloads/
  3. Install Python 2.7.10 IMPORTANT: Select the check box to Add python.exe to Path.
  4. Unzip and open the Pucato folder.
  5. Shift + Right-Click, then select "Open command window here".
  6. Run the command python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Open config.example.json in a plain text editor like Notepad or Sublime Text.
  2. Enter your Pucatrade username and password in place of the default values in the file. Be sure to keep the quotes around the values.
  3. Set the min_value to the lowest value you want Pucauto to accept. Cards or bundles under this value will not be traded.
  4. Save the file as config.json, not config.example.json or config.json.txt.
  5. You'll get an error on startup if you forget to save as config.json.


After you have followed the one-time installation and configuration steps above, you can run Pucauto with:

python pucauto.py

Pucauto will start running and you'll see it driving Firefox and outputting text in the Terminal.

The best way to stop Pucauto is with CTRL + C while in the Terminal window.

IMPORTANT: You shouldn't click things or do anything in the Firefox window that Pucauto opens because Pucauto expects it to be in a very specific state. You can open a new Firefox window to surf the interwebs.


Pucauto is still under development and valuable new features are being added to make trading even better. Come back to this page occasionally and check out the Changelog at the bottom to learn about new features. If an update happens you can upgrade by:

  • If you downloaded the .zip, it's probably easiest to just move your config.json file to your desktop, delete your Pucauto folder and re-download the new zip. You don't have to follow the full installation instructions again.
  • If you cloned the repository, you probably know how to use git to fetch the most recent changes so I'll leave it up to you.


Why do I have to provide my Pucatrade username and password? Is this safe?

Pucauto types your username and password into the proper fields on the Pucatrade page. You can see this happening in pucauto.py. Your username and password are not used for anything else. That's why this project is open source, so you can see the code and know roughly what's happening even if you're not a developer.

I'm getting a ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded or similar message mentioning config.json when starting Pucauto. Help!

This is usually happens because some text editors like TextEdit for Mac try to insert smart quotes instead of normal quotes. It's a very subtle difference, but it breaks JSON files. Use a plain text editor like Sublime Text 2 or Notepad to edit your config file. Also triple check for quotes around your username and password, commas at the ends of lines, no quotes around numbers or true or false, and colons separating the key and value.

If you still think everything is fine, you can paste your config.json into this site and if it's valid JSON you should get a green "Valid JSON" message at the bottom after clicking Validate.

On a Mac, you can disable Smart Quote substitution in TextEdit like this: imgur link

How can I contact you?

@tomreece or @pucautobot or [email protected]


2016-07-24 v0.4.9

  • Fix crash caused when user didn't have enough points to pay for PucaShield insurance.

2016-07-17 v0.4.8

  • Fix unicode character support in log output

2016-07-16 v0.4.7

  • Show date and time in log output

2016-07-11 v0.4.6

  • Account for new PucaShield insurance checkbox.
  • Bump selenium version to 2.53.6 to work with Firefox 47.0.1

2016-03-22 v0.4.5

  • Fixed a crash upon startup caused by an outdated dependency version (Selenium).
  • Fixed a crash when searching for addons if you had no outgoing trades on your Cards Sending list. Thanks to Nakroma for this contribution!

2016-03-01 v0.4.4

  • Fixed a bug where usernames or card names with special Unicode characters would cause Pucauto to crash.
  • Added a debug mode where Pucauto will run as normal but not actually commit to sending any cards. This is useful during development or just to see how Pucauto would actually perform for you. Debug mode can be enabled by setting "debug": true in your config.json file. Thanks to eengstrom for this contribution!
  • Modify startup.sh script to killall firefox after restarting Pucauto. You probably only use this file if you're running Pucauto on a cloud server or similar environment. Thanks to Wizard37 for this contribution!

2015-12-12 v0.4.3

  • Temporary disable debug.log due to an issue that affected Windows users. I will look for a better long-term solution but at least now you won't see error spam.
  • Wait 5 seconds before and after turning on auto matching to be extra sure it's on. Because if it isn't then bad things happen, like sending out lots of cards you don't have.

2015-12-09 v0.4.2

  • Better output when making trades. Example:
Found 2 card(s) worth 432 points to trade to Trader Name who has 1208 points...
  Sent Whisperwood Elemental for 254 PucaPoints!
  Failed to send Banisher Priest. Reason: Someone beat you to the draw
  Sent Greenwarden of Murasa for 178 PucaPoints!
Successfully sent 2 out of 3 cards worth 432 points!
  • Speed improvements:
    • Immediately stop parsing a row in the trades table if the member has less points than the configured min_value.
    • Sum total bundle value as we go along instead of doing another pass over the data just to sum.
  • Debugging statements logged to debug.log file (Thanks @Droogans)

2015-12-03 v0.4.1

  • Most importantly, speed up bundle finding by only loading enough of the trade list to reach a bottom member whose points exceed min_value in config.json
  • You can now configure add on searching. See the config.example.json file for the new options available to you.
  • Turn off add on searching all-together by setting find_add_ons to false in config.json
  • Since checking for trade add ons takes a bit of time, configure how often to check with the minutes_between_add_ons_check value in config.json.
  • Fix a bug where two users with the exact same name, e.g "Matt", would be considered the same bundle recipient. Now unique profile IDs are used instead.

2015-11-30 v0.4.0

  • Now Pucauto looks for add-on cards to any unshipped traders. This will help you send more cards to the same recipient, saving on stamps. This makes it important to mark your cards shipped as soon as you prepare and seal the envelope.

2015-11-27 v0.3.3

  • Fixed a bug where Pucauto may commit to send more copies of a card than you actually had on your Haves list.
  • Add a 10 second delay after accepting trades to adhere to PucaTrade's refresh limit.

2015-11-24 v0.3.2

  • Use Beautiful Soup to parse the trades list to increase performance for large trades list. The difference is very significant.

2015-11-23 v0.3.1

  • Accept highest value cards in bundles first and fail the whole bundle if the highest value card fails, for safety. This isn't perfect but tries to recover from a situation where the first card is worth most of the bundle.

2015-11-22 v0.3.0

  • Pucauto will now accept multiple lower value trades to the same user that add up to exceed your configured min_value. This bundling helps you get rid of lots of low value cards without wasting money on stamps.

2015-10-22 v0.2.0

  • Username and password are now entered in config.json instead of as arguments when starting the script. So now you start the bot with python pucauto.py after setting the values in config.json.
  • Added a min_value configuration option. Pucauto will only accept trades above this value.