sammon copied to clipboard
error doesn't decrease
To me it seems there is something wrong with the sammon mapping. The error does not decrease and it seems to do not deliver good results if pca is not used.
Thanks @codeprof, I'll look into this when I get a chance to see if I can work out what's happened. It may be a result of a recently merged pull request.
At the moment I use the following code (old) with small changes. I do not use the Heassian (commented out) as this seems to result in problems with PCA initialisation. The values in H are "nan", because the result of PCA seems to be complex numbers...
`def sammon(x, n = 2, display = 2, inputdist = 'raw', maxhalves = 20, maxiter = 500, tolfun = 1e-9, init = 'pca'):
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
"""Perform Sammon mapping on dataset x
y = sammon(x) applies the Sammon nonlinear mapping procedure on
multivariate data x, where each row represents a pattern and each column
represents a feature. On completion, y contains the corresponding
co-ordinates of each point on the map. By default, a two-dimensional
map is created. Note if x contains any duplicated rows, SAMMON will
fail (ungracefully).
[y,E] = sammon(x) also returns the value of the cost function in E (i.e.
the stress of the mapping).
An N-dimensional output map is generated by y = sammon(x,n) .
A set of optimisation options can be specified using optional
arguments, y = sammon(x,n,[OPTS]):
maxiter - maximum number of iterations
tolfun - relative tolerance on objective function
maxhalves - maximum number of step halvings
input - {'raw','distance'} if set to 'distance', X is
interpreted as a matrix of pairwise distances.
display - 0 to 2. 0 least verbose, 2 max verbose.
init - {'pca', 'random'}
The default options are retrieved by calling sammon(x) with no
File :
Date : 18 April 2014
Authors : Tom J. Pollard ([email protected])
: Ported from MATLAB implementation by
Gavin C. Cawley and Nicola L. C. Talbot
Description : Simple python implementation of Sammon's non-linear
mapping algorithm [1].
References : [1] Sammon, John W. Jr., "A Nonlinear Mapping for Data
Structure Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Computers,
vol. C-18, no. 5, pp 401-409, May 1969.
Copyright : (c) Dr Gavin C. Cawley, November 2007.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Create distance matrix unless given by parameters
if inputdist == 'distance':
D = x
D = cdist(x,x)
# Remaining initialisation
N = x.shape[0] # hmmm, shape[1]?
scale = 0.5 / D.sum()
D = D + np.eye(N)
Dinv = 1 / D # Returns inf where D = 0.
Dinv[np.isinf(Dinv)] = 0 # Fix by replacing inf with 0 (default Matlab behaviour).
if init == 'pca':
[UU,DD,_] = np.linalg.svd(x)
y = UU[:,:n]*DD[:n]
y = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,[N,n])
one = np.ones([N,n])
d = cdist(y,y) + np.eye(N)
dinv = 1. / d # Returns inf where d = 0.
dinv[np.isinf(dinv)] = 0 # Fix by replacing inf with 0 (default Matlab behaviour).
delta = D-d
E = ((delta**2)*Dinv).sum()
# Get on with it
for i in range(maxiter):
# Compute gradient, Hessian and search direction (note it is actually
# 1/4 of the gradient and Hessian, but the step size is just the ratio
# of the gradient and the diagonal of the Hessian so it doesn't
# matter).
delta = dinv - Dinv
deltaone =,one)
g =,y) - (y * deltaone)
dinv3 = dinv ** 3
y2 = y ** 2
H =,y2) - deltaone -,y) *,y) + y2 *,one)
s = -g.flatten(order='F') #/ np.abs(H.flatten(order='F'))
y_old = y
# Use step-halving procedure to ensure progress is made
for j in range(maxhalves):
s_reshape = s.reshape(2,len(s)/2).T
y = y_old + s_reshape
d = cdist(y, y) + np.eye(N)
dinv = 1 / d # Returns inf where D = 0.
dinv[np.isinf(dinv)] = 0 # Fix by replacing inf with 0 (default Matlab behaviour).
delta = D - d
E_new = ((delta**2)*Dinv).sum()
if E_new < E:
s =,s)
# Bomb out if too many halving steps are required
if j == maxhalves:
print('Warning: maxhalves exceeded. Sammon mapping may not converge...')
# Evaluate termination criterion
if np.abs((E - E_new) / E) < tolfun:
if display:
print('TolFun exceeded: Optimisation terminated')
# Report progress
E = E_new
if display > 1:
print('epoch = ' + str(i) + ': E = ' + str(E * scale))
# Fiddle stress to match the original Sammon paper
E = E * scale
return [y,E]
Unfortunately this is common with Quasi-Newton. Since the Hessian is not a true Hessian but an approximation, there is a tendency to bounce around a local or global minimum. Sammon NLM only works well if you have a good initial approximation (as from PCA or boiler MDS schemes). Try keeping track of a few iterations of E and stop if you are seeing them again and again.