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Course materials for a 90 minute interactive session for learning to reconstruct three-dimensional images from two-dimensional projections using TomoPy, the open-source Python package for tomographic...

TomoPy Short Course

Lead by Daniel Ching from The US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory at ICTMS 2019, Cairns, Australia


In a 90 minute interactive session, we will learn to reconstruct three-dimensional images from two-dimensional projections using TomoPy, the open-source Python package for tomographic data processing and image reconstruction. The course assumes some knowledge of x-ray computed tomography, but only minimal knowledge of computer programming. Topics covered include common steps to reconstruct x-ray computed tomography data and how to choose a reconstruction algorithm.


The short course requires internet access; all activities may be performed online using Jupyter Lab hosted on MyBinder. Alternatively, with a 64-bit computer running Windows 10, macOS, or Linux, the required Python packages may be downloaded or installed using a custom pre-built miniconda installer created in advance by the instructor.

Source-code Organization

This repository contains the source files to run the workshop.

activities/ contains a conda environment yaml listing required packages, markdown pages, ipython notebooks, and materials for each of the course activities.

solutions/ contains example scripts for the two final activities.

citations.bib contains citations for related works.

build/ contains construct.yaml which is for using the conda constructor to create a custom miniconda installer which comes with TomoPy and jupyter notebook preinstalled (no internet needed).

Anonymous Survey

If you take this short course, please take a short survey providing feedback. Thanks!