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A Twitter Archive thing


Import your Twitter Archive into a SQLite database and then do stuff with it.


  • PHP 5.3 or newer
  • SQLite PHP Extension
  • Linux of some description
  • Composer



  1. Download the tarball
  2. Extract it with tar xzf twarch-0.0.2.tgz
  3. cd into the newly created directory


  1. Clone the repo with git clone git://
  2. cd into the newly created directory
  3. Run composer install to get the dependencies

Importing your Twitter Archive

  1. Unzip your Twitter Arhive somewhere. In this example, mine is extracted into a directory called 'tweets':

    ▶ unzip -d tweets
  2. Create an empty DB using the createdb mode:

    ▶ php twarch.php createdb
    Successfully created DB
  3. Import your Tweets from the JS files in the archive by using the import mode:

    ▶ php twarch.php import tweets/data/js/tweets/*.js
    Removing old Tweets...
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2008_11.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2008_12.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2013_01.js]
    Importing Tweets from [tweets/data/js/tweets/2013_02.js]
    Imported 15027 Tweets
  4. Do stuff with your data!

Stuff to do with your data

You can search for something:

▶ php twarch.php find "Java is weird"
| Id         | Created                  | Text                                                       |
| 1023688023 | 2008-11-26T00:42:07+0000 | Done the 'hello, world' thing on the G1 now. Java is weird |

List all of your Tweets:

▶ php twarch.php all
| Id                 | Created                  | Text                                                                                                                                         |
| 1010488898         | 2008-11-18T00:34:32+0000 | At 15 of 80gb. Data recovery sucks.                                                                                                          |
| 1010523359         | 2008-11-18T01:02:23+0000 | "Time for bed", said Zebedee... "Piss off, you springy bastard", said Florence                                                               |
| 305969208901115904 | 2013-02-25T09:15:18+0000 | @ghalfacree dead easy to do. I reckon you could manage it :)                                                                                 |

Get a list of words and how often you used them:

▶ php twarch.php uniquewords --min-count=500 --min-word-length=6
| Word        | Count |
| @lingmops   | 1471  |
| @ghalfacree | 862   |
| @scawp      | 817   |
| @johnmclear | 621   |

Get a total word count and other stats about your Tweets:

▶ php twarch.php stats
Tweets: 15211
Total words: 211827
Words per Tweet: 14
Total characters: 1250269
Characters per Tweet: 82

Get a list of who you've mentioned and how often:

▶ php twarch.php mentions
| Handle                   | Count |
| @lingmops                | 1490  |
| @ghalfacree              | 871   |
| @scawp                   | 822   |
| @johnmclear              | 624   |

See which hashtags you've used and how often:

▶ php twarch.php hashtags
| Hashtag                                                                 | Count |
| #songsincode                                                            | 17    |
| #joke                                                                   | 1     |

Find out what time of day you Tweet the most:

▶ php twarch.php timeofday
| Hour | Count |
| 00   | 218   |
| 01   | 80    |
| 22   | 552   |
| 23   | 317   |

Which day of the week you Tweet the most:

▶ php twarch.php dayofweek
| Day | Count |
| Mon | 2316  |
| Sun | 1333  |

Or which day of the month:

▶ php twarch.php dayofmonth
| Day | Count |
| 01  | 515   |
| 02  | 548   |
| 30  | 368   |
| 31  | 249   |

Or even which month of the year:

▶ php twarch.php monthofyear
| Month | Count |
| Jan   | 1586  |
| Feb   | 1598  |
| Nov   | 1267  |
| Dec   | 1232  |

You can see how much you've Tweeted over time (with year, month or day resolution):

▶ php twarch.php trend --resolution=year
| Year | Count |
| 2008 | 42    |
| 2009 | 1510  |
| 2012 | 5617  |
| 2013 | 864   |

Updating your data

You can update your data via HTTP with the sync mode:

▶ php twarch.php sync tomnomnom
Last Tweet had ID [305359084289396736]
Importing Tweet with ID [305379759108530177]
Imported 1 Tweets

Coming soon

  • Possibly a Phar version
  • Other, interesting, modes to do more stuff with your data