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Minimizing mode
Although pip mode was implemented for the Android app. It was missing the mini video mode which is available in the Twitch app.
This is a quality-of-life update to the app.
Feature implemented:
Feature in the app:
Changes made and How it is implemented:
- To implement this feature I added a new custom route that allows you to overlay the route.
- It is under the widgets folder named translucent_overlay_route.dart.
- Added a miniVedioMode variable to the video store and regenerated the stores.
- When the user drags down on the video, on_drag_end enables the mini-video mode.
- While in mini video mode when a user taps on the video it goes back to the full screen.
- Finally, while in mini video mode if the user drags horizontally it closes the video component(pops it).
- Finally, before a new video is pushed to the navigator all the routes are poped till the current route.
- This is used for all the routes that use VedioChat, I also implemented this for CategoryStreams to close any current running video before showing CategoryStreams.
Additional info:
This method does not interfere with the default pip mode for Android it still works even if the app is in mini video mode.
I have never worked with Flutter before so it is completely understandable to reject this feature update. I was unable to implement the hero widget animation for an additional sliding effect between full view and mini view.
Possible breaking change:
For some reason when I ran it. The SentryFlutter required DSN in its options as well. For now, I have added an empty string, as I don't know what this component of the app does. I highly recommend looking into it if you plan to use this code. It can be found at main.dart line 50.