Tom Janssens
Tom Janssens
Currently you don't see the streets in the traffic articles view, only the `title` and `dates`. Requested by 5314-17
Currently you can not search traffic items by streets in the backend. Requested by 5314-17.
- [ ] `En violation` should be `En infraction` - [ ] Dutch translation is `Eneven` instead of `Oneven`. Reported by 5355-7. - [x] `Mobile` not translated to ducht in...
For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience - but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is...
Support PHP 7
The HTML5 `type="email"` validation doesn't yet work for longer TLD, example: `.brussels`. Check if we can overwrite the default validation regex pattern using the `pattern` attribute to extend the length...
Currently we only encode the `@` and `.` characters of an email address in our frontend templates. Create a template helper that encodes the whole email address. Background information about...
When filtering on a specific District in the relations view the District should be the selected value in the District dropdown when creating a new relation. Requested by 5355-7.
When editing an existing relation the proper District is not selected in the dropdown. Reported by 5355-7.
When removing districts the `streets_relations` are not being removed.