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What is the replacement for the deprecated functions, arrangeInsertManySql and arrangeUpdateSql
I'm using these functions for logging the SQL that is going to be sent to the DB.
I couldn't find any functions for doing this that were not deprecated.
Appreciate the help.
Hello @cscalfani. We need functions similar to runInsert_
, called say, arrangeInsert
, etc., that call the arrange...
functions instead of the run...
functions. Do you feel like implementing that?
Two issues. First, it will take me some time to get familiar with the codebase. I've never spent much time doing so and therefore don't feel very confident. Second, I don't want to commit to doing this until the project I'm currently working on is complete (about 3 months from now). If after that time, I'm available and this work has not been done, I wouldn't mind spending time looking into it.
This should be very easy, even for a new user of Opaleye. There need to be three functions
showSqlUpdate_ :: -> Update haskells -> String
showSqlInsert_ :: -> Insert haskells -> String
showSqlDelete_ :: -> Delete haskells -> String
They would be implemented in almost exactly the same way as the run..._
functions but using arrange...
rather than run...
in the implementation.
@cscalfani Did you end up figuring out a way to render the Insert, Update and Deletes?
I'm trying to use Opaleye queries through a different connection lib than postgresql-simple
so I need to explicitly, and hopefully with good performance, render each query (ByteString
) before sending them over to my Postgres client lib.
So I turned my brain off last night and just manually extracted the functionality out of the existing/deprecating functions of Opaleye
for showSqlUpdate_
. For the record, it looks like this
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module OpaleyeHelpers
( showSqlUpdate_
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BLU
import qualified Opaleye as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Sql as Sql
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Print as Print
import qualified Opaleye.RunQuery as RQ
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as IRQ
import qualified Opaleye.Table as T
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Table as TI
import Opaleye.Internal.Column ( Column(Column) )
import Opaleye.Internal.Helpers ( (.:.) , (.::.) )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation as MI
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as PQ
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as U
import Opaleye.SqlTypes ( SqlBool )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql as HSql
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Print as HPrint
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Default as SD
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.Sql.Generate as SG
showSqlUpdate_ :: O.Update haskells -> BLU.ByteString
showSqlUpdate_ (O.Update table_ updateWith_ where_ returning_) =
render table_ updateWith_ where_
render = case returning_ of
MI.Count -> renderUpdate
MI.ReturningExplicit qr f ->
\t u w -> runUpdateReturningExplicit qr t u w f
:: O.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> BLU.ByteString
renderUpdate = BLU.fromString .:. arrangeUpdateSql
:: O.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> String
arrangeUpdateSql = show . HPrint.ppUpdate .:. arrangeUpdate
:: O.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> HSql.SqlUpdate
arrangeUpdate t update cond =
SG.sqlUpdate SD.defaultSqlGenerator (PQ.tiToSqlTable (TI.tableIdentifier t)) [condExpr]
(update' tableCols)
TI.TableProperties writer (TI.View tableCols) = TI.tableColumns t
update' = map (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) . TI.runWriter writer . update
Column condExpr = cond tableCols
:: RQ.QueryRunner columnsReturned haskells
-> T.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> (columnsR -> columnsReturned)
-> BLU.ByteString
runUpdateReturningExplicit qr = arrangeUpdateReturningSql u
where IRQ.QueryRunner u _ _ = qr
:: U.Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored
-> T.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> (columnsR -> columnsReturned)
-> BLU.ByteString
arrangeUpdateReturningSql =
BLU.fromString . show . Print.ppUpdateReturning .::. arrangeUpdateReturning
:: U.Unpackspec columnsReturned ignored
-> T.Table columnsW columnsR
-> (columnsR -> columnsW)
-> (columnsR -> Column SqlBool)
-> (columnsR -> columnsReturned)
-> Sql.Returning HSql.SqlUpdate
arrangeUpdateReturning unpackspec t updatef cond returningf =
Sql.Returning update returningSEs
update = arrangeUpdate t updatef cond
TI.View columnsR = TI.tableColumnsView (TI.tableColumns t)
returningPEs = U.collectPEs unpackspec (returningf columnsR)
returningSEs = Sql.ensureColumnsGen id (map Sql.sqlExpr returningPEs)
It appears to be working.
Ideally though, we would do better with a specialized type class or even an instance of Show for all the relevant types, that would combine the functionality of arrange*
and showSql
. Logging of queries is a feature of obvious utility, and we already have all the pieces in place.
@tomjaguarpaw What do you think? Should it be instance Show
, class ShowSql
, or a collection of monomorphic functions like showSqlSelect
, showSqlInsert
and so on? I can write it up if you have time to review and merge.
See also #312 and #311.
We already have Opaleye.Sql.showSql
. I suggest adding showInsert
, showUpdate
and showDelete
My view is that showSql
would not be a great name in this context — it suggests more generality than actually provided. The thing should be called showSelect
instead to be in line with the other three. A backwards compatible way to fix this would be to make showSql
a method of a type class that includes all four SQL types. I am not sure what your philosophy as regards class based polymorphism is. The other way is to copy showSql
to showSelect
and eventually deprecate the former.
In the meanwhile, I hope to make a pull request before the end of May.
The other way is to copy
and eventually deprecate the former.
This would be my preferred approach. Future work that I have got lined up with probably change the type, too, to no longer return a Maybe
, so if we introduce the latter in the meantime, it should be called showSelectMaybe
I am sorry, I could not find the time to get this done yet. It is not entirely trivial — seems that some refactoring is required to ensure that exactly the same string is obtained as would be sent to PostgreSQL. I still hope to get this done, but I cannot say when.
That's OK. Thanks for letting me know, and if you need any more assistance you're welcome to post more details.