Tomas Trescak

Results 42 issues of Tomas Trescak

Hi, I am having issues generating Typescript schemas for queries returning arrays. Following works with no issues: ```graphql type Query { notifications(start: Int, end: Int): Notification } ``` following throws...

Hi, not sure what is going on, but fragment replacements stopped working. I have version "2.2.10". This is my resolveer: ```js Process: { owner: { fragment: graphql` fragment Instance on...


Hi, I keep receiveing following error quite often: ``` Error: Unhandled exception: End_of_file at ChildProcess. (/Users/tomi/.atom/packages/linter-flow/node_modules/atom-linter/node_modules/sb-exec/lib/index.js:41:20) at emitTwo (events.js:100:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:185:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:850:16) at Socket. (internal/child_process.js:323:11) at emitOne...


Hello. Thanks for the cool package. I am probably not understanding something, but the customErrorHandler reports everything not just errrors. Example: ```js const errors = []; const env = new...

I am a bit confused. If I understand this right, I can use this link on my Yoga server to cache and batch requests towards the Prisma. But where do...

Hi The package is quite nice, but also quite bulky .. packing a lot of unnecessary stuff, when you do not really need it. What about conditional builds, when you...

Thanks for creating this package! Will you have time to update to version 5.0? The one you have is very clunky on iPads.

How difficult would it be to include line numbers in the generated AST? Without line numbers it's not possible to generate source maps. Do you know of any other technique...


Blog app uses some binary modules which prohibit it from being deployed to Linux servers from non Linux computers such as my Mac. For example a binary module is: ```...

@arunoda you added storybook into the app. I tried to find more info about this but I could not. Where can I read what is this good for? I know...