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This is an open source user/admin panel for the game Perfect World.
i cant edit something after so many things are made and deleteing existing ones dont help, idk what the hells going on, i click edit on one item in store...
I am trying to put widgets blade as iframe on my main site without any luck. I created a separate page and put extends front.widgets but the player online counter...
when my server was live* (about to go live again) i did x2 event and when it was over i couldn't turn x2 off, i cant remember if it was...
I tested the shop feature of pw-web , apparently if example the item i'm gonna buy is 100 coins and I exactly have the same amount as that, if I...
On breadcrumbs.php there is this code: `Breadcrumbs::register( 'home', function( $breadcrumbs ) { $breadcrumbs->push( trans( 'main.home' ), url( '/' ) ); });` I am trying to link this to my main...
Hey. Does the guild rating and territories?
Any1 have any idea how to add a simple setting to a voucher that sets a max number of redeems? Thx!
can you add a feature like pwadmin has that gives cubi gold to account id, pwadmin dont work with your panels registration script
How can I change the password encryption I use MD5 but in SQL query it must be edited to remove quotes when inserting password so my auth can read it
"wadeshuler/php-paypal-ipn" is no longer available and thus it makes the panel impossible to install.