flip-jump copied to clipboard
The single instruction language - Flip a bit, then Jump
FlipJump is the simplest programing language.
Yet, it can do any modern computation.
It's an Esoteric language (FlipJump esolangs page), with just 1 operation a;b
not *a; jump b
Which means - Flip a bit, then Jump.
The operation takes 2 memory addresses - it flips (inverts) the bit the first address points to, and jumps to (continue execution from) the second address.
This project is a Macro Assembler, an Interpreter and a Tested Standard Library to the language.
This calculator was built with only FlipJump (source):
Hello, World!
A simple fj hello-world program, not using the standard library:
def startup @ code_start > IO {
;0 // the second op is reserved for Input/Output.
def output_bit bit < IO {
IO + bit; // flipping IO+0 outputs 0; flipping IO+1 outputs 1.
def output_char ascii {
rep(8, i) output_bit ((ascii>>i)&1)
def end_loop @ loop_label {
;loop_label // fj finishes on a self loop
output_char 'H'
output_char 'e'
output_char 'l'
output_char 'l'
output_char 'o'
output_char ','
output_char ' '
output_char 'W'
output_char 'o'
output_char 'r'
output_char 'l'
output_char 'd'
output_char '!'
The FlipJump assembly supports a "Hello, World!"
syntax for initializing a variable with a string value.
Look at the hello_world.fj program for more info.
Note that all of these macros are already implemented in the standard library:
- startup in runlib.fj
- end_loop in bitlib.fj (loop)
- output_char in iolib.fj
- output in iolib.fj (for printing string consts, e.g. output "Hello, World!")
How to download?
>>> git clone https://github.com/tomhea/flip-jump.git
Cloning into 'flip-jump'...
>>> cd flip-jump
>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
How to run?
>>> python src/fj.py programs/hello_world.fj
Hello, World!
- The --no-stl flag tells the assembler not to include the standard library. for example:
python src/fj.py programs/hello_no-stl.fj --no-stl
. - the -w [WIDTH] flag allows compiling the .fj files to a WIDTH-bits memory width. WIDTH is 64 by default.
- You can use the -o flag to save the assembled file for later use too.
- you can find all the different flags with
python src/fj.py -h
You can also Test the project with the project's tests, and with your tests.
You can also assemble and run separately:
>>> fj.py --asm hello.fj -o hello_world.fjm
>>> fj.py --run hello_world.fjm
Hello, World!
- The first line will assemble your code.
- The second line will run your code.
You can also use the faster cpp-based interpreter:
>>> fji hello.fjm -s
Hello, World!
Project Structure
src (assembler + interpreter source files):
- fj.py - the FlipJump Assembler & Interpreter script.
- fjm.py - read/write .fjm (flip-jump-memory) files.
- fjm_run.py - interpret / debug assembled fj files.
- fj_parser.py - pythonic lex/yacc parser.
- preprocessor.py - unwind all macros and reps.
- assembler.py - assembles the macro-less fj file.
- more...
stl (standard library files - macros. list of all macros):
- runlib.fj - constants and initialization macros.
- bitlib.fj - macros for manipulating binary variables and vectors (i.e. numbers).
- mathlib.fj - advanced math macros (mul/div).
- hexlib.fj - macros for manipulating hexadecimal variables and vectors.
- declib.fj - macros for manipulating decimal variables and vectors (to be implemented).
- iolib.fj - input/output macros, bit/hex/dec casting.
- ptrlib.fj - pointers, stack and functions.
- conf.json - standard library list file.
programs (FlipJump programs), for example:
- hello_world.fj - prints hello world :)
calc.fj - command line calculator for 2 hex/dec numbers:
a [+-*/%] b
. - func_tests/ - performs function calls and operations on stack.
- hexlib_tests/ - tests for the macros in stl/hexlib.fj.
quine16.fj - a 16-bits quine by lestrozi; when assembled with
-w16 -v0
- prints itself. - pair_ns.fj - simulating the concept of a Class using a namespace.
- print_dec.fj - prints binary variables as decimals.
- multi_comp/ - simulates a big project (compilation of multiple files).
tests (FlipJump programs), for example:
- compiled/ - the designated directory for the assembled tests files.
- inout/ - .in and .out files for each test in the folder above.
- conftest.py - pytest configuration file.
- test_fj.py - tests for compilation and running (how to run).
- test_compile_*.csv - all compilation tests arguments (compile test format).
- test_run_*.csv - all running tests arguments (run test format).
- conf.json - tests list file.
Read More
A very extensive explanation can be found on the GitHub wiki page.
More detailed explanation and the specifications of the FlipJump assembly can be found on the FlipJump esolangs page.
Read more about the flip-jump source files and how to run the tests.
If you want to contribute to this project, read the CONTRIBUTING.md file, and take a look at the Discussions.
If you are new to FlipJump and you want to learn how modern computation can be executed using FlipJump, Start by reading the bitlib.fj standard library file (start with xor
, if
). That's where the FlipJump magic begins.
You can also write and run programs for yourself! It is just that easy :)