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A lightweight wrapper for HTML audio. Bring your own CSS.
Picobel.js (pronounced peek-o-bell, as in decibel) is a lightweight dependency-free Javascript tool that converts html audio tags into styleable markup.
- Overview
- Installation
- Usage
- Setting "artist" and "track name" values
- Pre-made themes
- Contribute
Why would I need this?
There are two reasons you might want to use Picobel...
You want a uniform cross-browser experience for the audio players on your site. Pick a pre-made Picobel theme, and you're all set.
You're frontender and CSS magician who loves to have control over every aspect the sites you create. You can use the markup-only version of Picobel, and write your own CSS.
The native html <audio>
tag provides fantastic functionality, but gives you no styling options at all. Picobel rebuilds the audio player with regular html elements: you get all the functionality of the native audio element, and complete control of it's appearance.
Using Picobel you can turn this:
Default browser audio players
Into this:
Picobel-styled audio players
Picobel allows you to create custom styles for your audio players: providing cross-browser consistency and a seamless integration with your existing brand styles.
Install with NPM
npm install picobel
will install Picobel in your node_modules
directory. Then you can include Picobel in your javascript like this:
// Include Picobel in your project:
import Picobel from 'picobel';
// Initialise Picobel:
// ...or initialise Picobel with your chosen options:
Picobel({ theme: 'default' })
If you are using WebPack (or similar) to bundle your scripts, you can include the stylesheet for your chosen Picobel theme here too:
// Include the styles for *all* the themes:
import 'picobel/css/all.css';
// ...or include only the styles for a specific theme:
import 'picobel/css/player.default.css';
Alternatively you could include the stylesheets manually with a <link>
tag in your index.html
<!-- Load the Picobel CSS -->
<link rel='stylesheet' href='node_modules/picobel/css/player.default.css' type='text/css'/>
When your page loads, Picobel will replace any default <audio>
elements with a block of custom-markup, complete with classes that you can use to apply your custom CSS.
Manually install
To use Picobel.js you'll need to include the picobel.js
file (found here: picobel.legacy.min.js) in your project. This needs to be called before your custom scripts, and ideally in the <footer>
of your page.
<!-- Load Picobel -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='picobel.min.js'></script>
You will also need the CSS styles. Choose which "theme" you'd like to use, and load that stylesheet. All current themes can be previewed in the Picobel.js CodePen Collection, and all the css files can be found in the repo, here.
<!-- Load the Picobel CSS -->
<link rel='stylesheet' href='player.default.css' type='text/css'/>
Then initialize the function. For simplicity, the example below does this in an in-line <script>
tag, but you can add this to your master JS file. Just make sure you initialise Picobel after the picobel.min.js file has been called.
<!-- Initialise Picobel -->
When your page loads, Picobel will replace any default <audio>
elements with a block of custom-markup, complete with classes that you can use to apply your custom CSS.
If you're using a theme other than "basic", you'll need to specify the theme name in the options object when you intialise Picobel.
Picobel( { theme: 'themename' } );
This adds a class to the container of each audio element, so if you've made your own styles you can use this to make sure your CSS is nicely namespaced.
<audio src="http://path/to/audio/file.mp3"></audio>
Gets turned into this:
<div class="customAudioPlayer player_0" data-song-index="0">
<div class="loader"></div>
<button class="playerTrigger">
<span class="buttonText">play</span>
<div class="metaWrapper">
<span class="titleDisplay">file.mp3</span>
<span class="artistDisplay"></span>
<div class="timingsWrapper">
<span class="songPlayTimer">0:00</span>
<div class="songProgressSliderWrapper">
<div class="pseudoProgressBackground"></div>
<div class="pseudoProgressIndicator"></div>
<div class="pseudoProgressPlayhead"></div>
<input type="range" min="0" max="100" class="songProgressSlider">
<span class="songDuration">3:51</span>
<div class="songVolume">
<div class="songVolumeLabelWrapper">
<span class="songVolumeLabel">Volume</span>
<span class="songVolumeValue">10</span>
<div class="songVolumeSliderWrapper">
<div class="pseudoVolumeBackground"></div>
<div class="pseudoVolumeIndicator"></div>
<div class="pseudoVolumePlayhead"></div>
<input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" class="songVolumeSlider">
Setting "artist" and "track name" values
Applying metadata to your audio file requires adding data-attributes to your <audio>
markup. Picobel gets the track name from the regular title
attribute, and looks for artist information in the data-artist
attribute. For the demo at the top of this page, the markup looks like this:
<audio src="http://audio.eatenbymonsters.com/reviews/coldWarKids/lostThatEasy.mp3" title="Lost that easy" data-artist="Cold War Kids" controls>
Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.
Pre-made themes
Picobel comes with many pre-made themes. To use a theme, make sure you've downloaded the correct stylesheet from the Picobel CSS library and then reference the chosen theme name as an option when you initialize Picobel in your JS.
<!-- Initialise Picobel with a theme-->
Picobel( { theme: "chosenThemeName" } );
So if you wanted to use the "iTunes" theme, your Picobel call would look like this: Picobel({theme:"itunes"});
. If you don't explicitly choose a theme, then the Default theme will be used. The current options are: skeleton
, itunes
, bbc
, soundcloud
, pitchfork
, & eatenbymonsters
You can see them all in action in the Picobel.js CodePen Collection, and see screenshots of each featured theme on this page:
Default theme. View the this theme on CodePen
Skeleton theme (use this as a jumping-off point for your own styles). View the this theme on CodePen
BBC iPlayer-esque theme. View the this theme on CodePen
iTunes-esque theme. View the this theme on CodePen
Soundcloud-esque theme. View the this theme on CodePen
Pitchfork-esque theme. View the this theme on CodePen
Eaten by Monsters theme. View the this theme on CodePen
This started out as a "scratch your own itch" tool for a specific project. I'm open-sourcing it in the hope it might prove useful to others too. There are a few audio player tools/plugins out there, but most have too many features for my needs. I like simplicity, and I like any JS I add to my sites to be as lean as possible.
I'm hoping Picobel can be of use to as many people as possible. If you have an improvement or bug-fix or new feature, get in touch! Make a pull request on the Picobel.js Github repo. I'm just getting started with "open source", so I'd be very glad of any help or suggestions or advice.
Read more about contribute in this project's Contribution Guide
- MIT license
- No dependencies
- v1.0.10
- Most recent release date: 20180529