Tom Hazledine
Tom Hazledine
Icon size changes ready for design review. Accordion still in-progress, expect to be ready for design review by EOW.
Size and spacing adjustments required following design review. Had catchup with James Sol to ensure we're all in sync with requirements. Expecting to be ready for dev review by Friday
Slider work has pushed this back a little. Expecting dev work complete by the middle of next week
Dev work on functionality complete. Adding tests and example stories while waiting for design review.
Fine-tuning based on design feedback (mostly typography and spacing tweaks)
Final dev tweaks to pass design review (plus discussion about right-hand spacing for sub-steps) Expect to be ready for dev review by EOD Friday
Aug 14 - Design sign-off Aug 16 - Site example and QA stories added. Ready for dev review
Have reviewed a11y feedback at will start implementing tomorrow (18th)