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SITMOS - Podcast App
SITMOS - Podcast App
Stay up to date with each episode of SITMOS (Stuck in the Middle of Somewhere) podcast on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Due to SITMOS ending this app has now been retired.
About Stuck in the Middle of Somewhere
Actor/Writer Joel F Gardiner and Comedian Derek Sweet discuss whatever is on their minds. While video games are often the focus of conversation, topics of discussion can be almost anything.
Getting Started
Run the following commands to get started:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd sitmos
$ rake setup
SITMOS - Podcast App uses the following third party components & libraries:
- AFNetworking by Mattt Thompson
- MagicalRecord by Magical Panda Software
- NSDate-Helper by Billy Gray
- NSString+MD5 by Guilherme Andrade
- OCHamcrest by Jon Reid
- SSPullToRefresh by Sam Soffes
- TDNotificationPanel by Tom Diggle
- TestFlight by TestFlight App, Inc
- TSLibraryImport by tapsquare
- UIAlertView-Blocks by Jiva DeVoe
The SITMOS - Podcast App source code is distributed under the The MIT License.