As an extra data-point, here's what [Virtual II]( does: >The "Delete" key (located at the upper right of the keyboard) is emulated by the Macintosh backspace key, unless the option...
The PC's DELETE key emits Apple II keycode $7F (ie. the checkerboard glyph) ...and strangely Control-Backspace does too! Depending on the Apple II software you are running, this may or...
What's your reproducible for this? I've tried using the AppleWin Config's UI to mount 'Prince of Persia' and 'California Games', and both boot okay.
Some background details: If I try to insert an 800K image into S6D1 or S6D2 (eg. F3 or F4) then I get the message about "this UniDisk 3.5/Apple IIGS/hard-disk image...
With the refactor done in 71c67cf this now allows slot4=Mouse card and slot5=Mockingboard (or Phasor) card. I've tested it works with _Witch Trial_. When I do the next AppleWin release...
NB. New [AppleWin]( release now supports Mouse card & Mockingboard at the same time.
To do: - ~~Fix-up the firmware to reflect the current image size: 0x0640 (800KiB 2mg) or 0xFFFF (32MiB hdv).~~ - ~~This also has to change when `unit number` changes.~~ -...
NB. ProDOS STATUS command support added to HDD Controller firmware in 2cbecdda6860f22a887493a9b766d82d5558b613. This is a far better solution than what I proposed above (ie. modify the firmware on-the-fly). I think...
Yes, lots of continued interest in this (spanning nearly 2 decades now!), so thanks for continuing to put this back on our radar. I agree it would be great to...
As Nick says above: >Presumably AppleWin would have to emulate this card (Passport MIDI) This has an MC6850 (ACIA: 2x read & 2x write I/O registers) and an MC6850 (Programmable...