It must be a false-positive from Malwarebytes. (I rebuild everything from source & do a virus scan before releasing.) btw, I tried scanning AppleWin.exe ( with VirusTotal and it reported...
[2009-February-16 00:35, by: softgear] That link was broken. I uploaded it on
[2009-February-22 14:30, by: tomch] I've confirmed the crash. Ideas: maybe the OzDOS bootstrap code is jumping directly into the HDD's firmware in $C7xx? I will check.
[2012-August-19 15:55, by: tomch] AppleWin 1.21.1: . Enhanced A//e does self test. Switching out the slot7 rom? . A//e crashes to monitor: Oz DOS 1.0 Slot: 7 2205- A=00 X=00...
40 tracks .dsk (#87) and .nib (#387) images are already supported. Yes, do let me have 41-track images so that I can test this.
Hmm... both of these are just empty DOS/ProDOS disk images - did you just created these by hand? (ie. they are not actually derived from a real, physical disk.) I...
NB. .woz format v1.0.1 (May 20th, 2018) (see #544) only supports 40 tracks, as TMAP Chunk Size is always 160 bytes (ie. 4 quarter tracks x 40 tracks). Of course,...
Same question as I asked before, I wonder what the point is to support these 64-track images? EG. In an emulation environment you could just use a HDD image instead...
> ...and UCSD Pascal doesn’t support a harddisk. OK, I figured that was the reason (so like DOS 3.3), but didn't know for sure. >Do you have a solution to...
A few notes from AppleWin's implementation: - VK_BACK = 0x08, so when the WM_CHAR message is sent, then the PC's `key` value is just copied directly to the Apple's `keycode`....