
Results 616 comments of TomCh

5. In DataLatchReadWriteWOZ(), with significantBitCells = 100, reverting to Wasteland fix-1 (ba7a400) then I always get this message: ``` SYSTEM FAILURE NUMBER 2. PLEASE REFER TO PRODUCT MANUAL FOR EXPLANATION....

IMO, it's simpler to just remember the clc, clz, cli opcode commands, instead of the option-4 commands. Also supporting both means there's more to test & more to go wrong...

Votes for this from @GreatHierophant and @xotmatrix from slack #emulators: >Is there any command line way in AppleWin to configure an Apple IIe with only 64K of memory? >I'd like...

And see the AppleWin.chm - section"Uthernet network card": - Note: Wireless doesn't work - ...or at least only for a very small set of WiFi adaptors (see comment [here]( -...

to do: - [ ] Update AppleWin's error message so it doesn't reference a dead URL

Hi @xotmatrix - thanks for raising this. I already had an inkling about this, when I wrote this comment... It's possible some 3rd-party s/w could use a non $CFFF...

Just as a note, currently the only card with an expansion ROM that AppleWin supports is the SSC. --- An idea that fits with the current implementation is to set...

NB. this Autoduel WOZ image works perfectly fine in AppleWin: btw, the side B image has the "write-protected" flag incorrectly **set** in the INFO chunk, so the game...

Paul Hagstrom on Slack: >Interesting—I see the same thing in VII. Except if I make a new woz out of the a2r, it again acts flaky in VII. That is,...

@mr-stivo - have you let John M (@kerthunk) know? Maybe best to inform him in the Slack #applecause channel.