
Results 616 comments of TomCh

>[...] and distributed as an alternative build >I might give it a shot when I have more time to look into it. Alt builds are not a good idea. Ideally...

NB. PR #757 adds support for `applewin -conf ` I'll keep this open, as it doesn't solve the suppression of the GPL notice.

>Wouldn't the help file suffice for the notification? See above ([here]( I want the GPL to be part of the AppleWin exe so that it can't be sliced off. Currently...

>Would it make any sense to trap it and inform the user that the CPU is dead? Yes... but I feel this is fairly nuanced (rare) since it's 6502-only (not...

Date: 2012-Oct-20 23:19 Sender: tomch Logged In: YES user_id=25188 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0 To use a USB joystick, just select it from the Input configuration...

Here's the original .woz image that @peterferrie attached to the Slack channel: [Frog Jump (1985)(Scott, Foresman and Company) - Disk 1, Side](

Using the original .woz and from AppleWin's start-up/logo, then: 1. In DataLatchReadWriteWOZ(), with `significantBitCells = 50`, then I always get the garbled message: ``` TO PRODUCT MANUAL FOR EXPLANATION.FER ```...

There are 2 extra zero-bits in the 4&4 nibbles for T$00 S$05 (this is the only sector on T$00 with any extra zero-bits): ``` FF(2)FF(2)FF(2)FF(2)D5 AA 96 FF(2)FE AA AA...

FWIW, here's the protection check for T$00 S$05: ``` 9042:2C E9 C0 BIT $C0E9 C0E9:00 ; motor on 9045:A9 51 LDA #$51 9047:85 04 STA GOSTROUT+1 0004:00 ; retry=$51FF =...

Given the discussion in #779 about 30% vs 50% chance of a 1 bit, I forced it to be 50% for Frog Jump... but this made no difference for these...