Hi Nick - I can see your commits to GSport here: From the [GSport docs]( >You may use the SCC ports as either a LocalTalk networking connection or as...
>Again this should be replaced with `_snprintf()`. Why the underscore version: `_snprintf()`? From MSDN [here](, it says: >The snprintf function and the _snprintf family of functions format and store count...
In PR #674, _snprintf() got replaced by StringCbPrintf(), from safestr.h. I'll change the title of this issue to reflect this.
From safestr.h: ``` STDAPI StringCbPrintf( __out_bcount(cbDest) LPTSTR pszDest, __in size_t cbDest, __in __format_string LPCTSTR pszFormat, ... ); Routine Description: This routine is a safer version of the C built-in function...
NB. PR #1041 removed all `wsprintf()` and `StringCbPrintf()` calls. There are still lots of `sprintf()` calls - mainly in the debugger.
Yesterday from discord (simulators-and-emulators), which prompted this issue being raised: @bhtooefr said: >and the AppleWin compliation pipeline isn't set up for crosscompilation (basically it tries to run TestCPU6502 and fails...
FYI, there are a few PRs (pull-requests) for 64-bit build support. And also there are 2 extra build configs: "Debug NoDX" and "Release NoDX", which may exclude the dinput8.lib... hmm,...
``` 57B3: JSR $57FE ; re-seek to precise track $00 position 57B6: BPL $57B9 ; unconditional branch, as Y=0 57B8: .byte $20 ; Y=0, X=$60 ; ($95FD)=6 57B9:BD 8C C0...
NB. use `asc 57b8:57b8` so that the disasm show correctly for $57B9 onwards. The routine at $57B9 reads $C9 (from data latch) with Y=$29 - when it wants Y>=$2A &&...
@mr-stivo on Slack said: >I edited that woz and set the optimal bit timing to 33. Boots ok on my emulator, VII and OE. Didn’t test it any further than...