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Unable to run dev when file path to Issie repo includes spaces on Windows
Describe the bug
When trying to run npm run dev
when the directory the Issie repo is in contains spaces, the script fails when trying to start the Electron main. For example, the following path to Issie: 'C:\Some Dir\issie'
would spawn the following error: 'C:\Some' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Clone Issie to a directory with spaces in the file path
- Try run
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows (have not tested if this is an issue on Mac/Linux)
- Node v16.15.0
Additional context Bug has already been reported to Archontis (@apantelopoulos) by email, creating a Github Issue for tracking purposes.
Need teh right combo of escapes:
- Can use double or single quotes to delimit JS strings
- See also
Works now on my windows PC.
Need to check macOS as well to close the issue @tomcl
I have merged your commits into new-build-trimmed and run the macos build.
- Dev build works fine
- I get an error on production build (see below) but I suspect this may be because we are using the wrong (e.g. deprecated and now lost) architecture name in the build script.
I suggest @apantelopoulos looks at this part of the new build and redoes the macos builds as follows:
- we need one working intel 64 bit macos build, preferably to dmg but to zip would probably do.
• building target=macOS zip arch=arm64 file=dist/
• building target=DMG arch=arm64 file=dist/issie-3.0.0-beta.4-arm64.dmg
• building block map blockMapFile=dist/issie-3.0.0-beta.4.dmg.blockmap
• building block map blockMapFile=dist/issie-3.0.0-beta.4-arm64.dmg.blockmap
• building block map blockMapFile=dist/
• building block map blockMapFile=dist/
afterSign hook triggered {
outDir: '/Users/tomcl/Documents/GitHub/issie/dist',
artifactPaths: [
platformToTargets: Map(1) {
Platform {
name: 'mac',
buildConfigurationKey: 'mac',
nodeName: 'darwin'
} => Map(2) { 'zip' => [ArchiveTarget], 'dmg' => [DmgTarget] }
configuration: {
directories: { output: 'dist', buildResources: 'build' },
appId: 'ISSIE',
files: [ [Object] ],
extraFiles: [ [Object] ],
appx: { applicationId: 'ISSIE' },
win: { icon: 'public/icon.ico', target: 'zip' },
linux: { icon: 'public/icon.png', target: 'zip' },
mac: { icon: 'public/icons/icon.icns', target: [Object] },
afterAllArtifactBuild: 'scripts/afterSignHook.js',
electronVersion: '17.4.4'
appPath not found /Users/tomcl/Documents/GitHub/issie/dist/undefined-darwin.dmg
Toms-MacBook-Air:issie tomcl$