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Angular, NgRx, Angular CLI & Angular Material Starter Project

Results 43 angular-ngrx-material-starter issues
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I did not look at the code, but if I try to go directly to []( Then we get a 404.... (instead of having the page that displays the features)....

resolve #490 fix 1 critical, 4 high, and 6 moderate vulnerabilities Before: ![Screenshot from 2022-03-24 20-36-28]( After: ![Screenshot from 2022-03-24 20-36-48]( ## What: Issue number: N/A

It would be great to migrate tests to use new [Angular Material Component Test Harness]( in the unit tests. The migration should be mostly mechanical as it's basically replacing ad-hoc...

enhancement 🎁
help wanted 👋
good first issue 🥇

Hi, I don't know where this question is supposed to go. But can we have a typescript build for debugging? Or just any kind of build for debugging. I don't...

## What: ->Now before deploying to github pages we will create a copy of index.html file with the name 404.html ->Because of this all routes will be mapped to our...

## Minimal reproduction of the bug with instructions: Am using as a selector in your html and it is appearing on the page i.e. hello world still prints hello world...

## What: Adding a development configuration to serve so that developers can see and debug the source code in their browser.

By using pnpm package manager it has an error: after cloning the repository i just run: `pnpm i` `ng serve` showing angular loading icon and then stuck, Got error from...

I need to read dates and numbers from a json file and dynamically change locale format. Would be nice to add localized DatePipe and DecimalPipe in an example.