Tomas Sedovic

Results 20 issues of Tomas Sedovic We use it here: Reported via email by Jordan Selanders who also sent the following fix: ```rust fn place_objects(room: Rect, map: &Map, objects: &mut Vec) { let num_monsters...

For example, the `Object::new` method could be simplified to something like this: ```rust Object { x: x, y: y, char: char, color: color, name: name.into(), blocks: blocks, level: 1, .....

Right now, they're ordered kind of willy-nilly. I'm pretty sure the Rust style guide has something to say about ordering the various use statements. Even if it doesn't, we should...

We should ensure that every code contribution is formatted properly (using `cargo fmt`) and that all the standalone files compile (`cargo build`). It should also run `make diff-rust` to verify...

This is very vague but basically: the tutorial tries to follow the Python one reasonably closely and only differs where it's necessary. The original tutorial works well with Python but...

Show how to use modules and organise the dodebase into more than one file. That seems to be the most controversial aspect of the original tutorial. And it seems to...

Not sure how feasible/reasonable this is, but I'm a little unhappy about the fact that we use two nested rendering loops -- one for the main game and the other...

The monsters' pathfinding is implemented manually and has some glaring issues (not being to go around the corner for instance). Might be nice to show how to use libtcod's path...

There's a few places that become unnecessarily complicated by treating the player `Object` differently to the other ones. For example: - inventory and equipment: -

There's a few places where we could just match on `Some(ref mut something)` instead of calling `as_mut`. And ideally, we should get rid of all `unwraps`.