git-changelog-maven-plugin copied to clipboard
Question: Only Merge Commits should be logged
I m searching for a solution for following requirement. I would like to log ONLY log Commits starting with Merge Branch between to git references.
I ve tried out your maven plugin and it seems it works in default setting the other way around. only log Commits NOT starting with Merge Branch..
Do you have a configuration option to change this default behaviour ?
does not work.. :-(
Thanks a lot for your support in advance.
I'd like to see this too. I'll investigate and issue a PR if I get it implemented.
@vhochstein have you tried
<ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches>"^\\[maven-release-plugin\\].*|^\\[Gradle Release Plugin\\].*"</ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches>
That should override the default which omits merge commits.
If I configure this plugin like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I get:
# Git Changelog Maven plugin changelog
Changelog of Git Changelog Maven plugin.
## git-changelog-maven-plugin-1.62
### GitHub [#18]( Add extendedVariables property
**Merge pull request #18 from djn72/master**
* Add extendedVariables property
[b5d8cb431274f5f]( Tomas Bjerre *2020-08-05 04:42:36*
And the commits between these tags are:
* 6e2f4a4 - (tag: git-changelog-maven-plugin-1.62) [maven-release-plugin] prepare release git-changelog-maven-plugin-1.62 (5 månader sedan) <Tomas Bjerre><Tomas Bjerre>
* e45432e - openjdk8 (5 månader sedan) <Tomas Bjerre><Tomas Bjerre>
* b5d8cb4 - Merge pull request #18 from djn72/master (5 månader sedan) <Tomas Bjerre><GitHub>
| * e682c28 - Add extendedVariables property (5 månader sedan) <David Nicklin><David Nicklin>
* 1e91537 - [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (1 år, 1 månad sedan) <Tomas Bjerre><Tomas Bjerre>
* e54b9f3 - (tag: git-changelog-maven-plugin-1.61) [maven-release-plugin] prepare release git-changelog-maven-plugin-1.61 (1 år, 1 månad sedan) <Tomas Bjerre><Tomas Bjerre>
But I think the better solution would be to use the merge
boolean that is available in the context of the commit, as documented here:
I solved my issue as follows
<ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches>^(Release|Merge remote-tracking).+</ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches>
and in my template:
`{{#commits}} {{#merge}}
- "{{{messageTitle}}}" {{/merge}} {{/commits}}`