Tomas Bjerre

Results 365 comments of Tomas Bjerre

> As payloads contain a long list of nodes, being explicit about the ones we need is a complex task and prone to failures if any node name changes on...

No I dont see the value. I still think it would be just as fragile as if you would specify exact nodes with the jsonpath. There is also the complexity...

The problem is not in this plugin, it is on the sender side. The body: ``` { "payload": [ "{\"ref\":\"refs\\/heads\\/master\",\"after\":\"ee311c46a7df88f01aa7a8d35984b1fe89bd3d20\",\"before\":\"f03bec6afe3af8de2a75210eaaa6e5a51370773f\",\"repository\":{\"id\":4765,\"name\":\"robotframework\",\"full_name\":\"robotframework\"},\"pusher\":{\"name\":\"lpinson\",\"email\":\"\"},\"sender\":{\"id\":841,\"uri\":\"users\\/841\",\"user_url\":\"\\/users\\/lpinson\",\"real_name\":\"lpinson\",\"display_name\":\"lpinson (lpinson)\",\"username\":\"lpinson\",\"ldap_id\":\"lpinson\",\"avatar_url\":"",\"is_anonymous\":false,\"has_avatar\":true}}" ] } ``` I being sent as `x-www-form-urlencoded` and...

Are you using some value from the webhook with the git plugin? What value? What does the json look like? Can you not have a more specific jsonpath? You can...

Looks unrelated to this plugin. I would resolve the values I need with this plugin. And have a pipeline where I do git clone. I would not use the git...

If I configure a pipeline like: ```groovy node { properties([ pipelineTriggers([ [$class: 'GenericTrigger', genericVariables: [ [ key: 'all', value: '$' ] ], causeString: 'Triggered on $ref', tokenCredentialId: 'theid', printContributedVariables: true,...

You are probably logged in when using browser. And that is why it works.

Sounds like you want to allow anonymous users to trigger jobs. You need to adjust your security settings.